38- Flames

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Well, well, you better run from me
You better hit the road
You better up and leave
Don't get too close
'Cause I'm a rolling stone
And I keep rolling on
You better run from me
Before I take your soul

If I go, let me go
Don't you follow me, let me go
I will let you down, let me go
Even if your heart can't take it light me up in flames
Light me up in

Light me up
Light me up
Light me up

You better run from me
You better say goodbye
And even if I plead
Don't waste your time
'Cause I'm a broken home
You're better off alone
You better run from me
Before I take your soul

If I go, let me go
Don't you follow me, let me go
I will let you down, let me go
Even if your heart can't take it light me up in flames
Light me up in

Light me up
Light me up
Light me up
Light me up in flames
Light me up
Light me up
Light me up
Light me up in flames

Lex woke up with the familiar feelings of protective arms around her. She knew they shouldn't keep getting this close, someone could get hurt, but she just couldn't stay away from Bucky.

He was her save place her home. She needed him. But she couldn't allow it, and so she carefully unwrapped herself from the soldiers strong hold and got dressed.

They both needed eachother they had longed to touch eachother again. She liked him she knew it. There wasn't anything she could do about that.

But she didn't want him to get hurt so she wanted to distance herself from him, she didn't want to burden him with her problems.

If only he wasn't so goddamn sweet and kind. She didn't know how long she could keep this act up.

Lex decided to just go to the gym, it was raining outside so she didn't feel like running. She made her way over to the weights and grabbed two big ones.

She grabbed one in each hand and started running on the treadmill.

"hey" she heard from next to her it was Steve. "hey cap" she nodded. "are you okay?" he asked sincerely going to stand next to the treadmill.

"I don't know" she said honestly and stopped the treadmill. The two walked over to the bench and sat down to talk.

"I am scared" she admitted and steve put his hand on her shoulder. "you don't have a reason to be" she raised her eyebrow.

"how?" he smiled "you see, there isn't anything that can't be fixed, and you losing control of your powers can also be fixed, you can train with working under stress" he proposed and Lex thought about it.

"seems like a good idea but what about the trigger words" she asked looking down again. "well.. I might know a place" he said and Lex already knew what he meant with that.

"I'll help you with the keeping control of your emotions, if you want, I helped bucky a lot as well and maybe I can help you too" he said and lex liked that idea.

"thank you steve" she hugged him and he hugged her back. "no problem"


"the main thing you just need to keep in your mind is that you are safe" Alex was confused.

"you are so powerfull, I bet you can do more then you think you can, you are always safe, you can just teleport out of the situation, or with one snap of your fingers you opponent is dead" he spoke and Lex nodded.

"I had that feeling too, the feeling I can do more, it always tingles in me" she explained and he nodded. "If I were you I would find a moment where your emotions are a bit higher, it might help with awakening it for the first time"

They talked for a while after that and steve told her when her emotions ran high again, to either test out what she can do more or to try and stay in control.

After that she decided to take a shower and maybe talk to bucky about all that happened, he deserved an explanation for her mood swings.

The others were either training themselves, hanging out in the lab or lounching around.

"Jarvis, where is bucky?" she asked before she stepped into the shower. "Metal capsicle is currently in the library" Lex let out a loud laugh, every now and then tony would change their names to funny nicknames.

"Jarvis what did tony tell you to call me?" she asked wanting to know. "Iron god wanted me to call you tiny ghost" huh tiny ghost. "why is that?" she asked cofused starting to wash her hair. "because you can turn invisible like a ghost miss, and because he says you are tiny" wow thanks.

Ghost did sound cool.

After her shower she got dressed and made her way to the big library they had. She immediately spotted Bucky laying on one of the couches.

She turned invisible and walked over to him, she leaned in till her nose was almost touching his and turned back visible "boo".

Bucky let out a startled scream jumping up and pinning her to the floor in a defence. Lex was laughing her ass off underneath him while he was claming himself down.

Bucky stood back up leaving her to giggle on the ground. "jezus christ" he breathed putting his hand over his heart. "If you do that again, I swear I will throw yout out of that window" he pointed to the window and Lex teleported over looking down out of it.

"wha- what are you doing?" he asked rushing over. "just checking if its worth the drop" she shrugged and the soldier burst out laughing.

"you are something else Allie" he said the new nickname made her look up. "Allie? I like it, listen I want to talk to you" she suddenly turned serious.

They sat back down on the couch and alex thought over what she was going to say another time.

"I don't think we can continue whatever this is we have, it makes me so confused, we are friends but we act like more" she started "and uhm I'm afraid to hurt you I think we should stick to being just friends, not friends and something else, just friends"

Bucky gulped "what if I don't want to be just friends" he said and looked her in the eyes searching for something, anything, a sign she might feel the same way.

"I don't want to let you down but I can't hurt you I can't get too close to you and risk you getting hurt" she stated, it hurt to do it, she wanted to be with him but she just couldn't not until she had her control back.

"you don't have to do this" Bucky pleaded but she shook her head. "I have to" she stood up to walk away but he followed "please don't follow me it will be harder to walk away" she said turning around.

"I don't want you to go away, you don't have to I swear, you won't hurt me, I have survived all this time" 'all this time' that is the sentence that hit something in her.

"please" he whispered Alex looked down. "atleast tell me you feel the same way" he asked and she looked up.

"just tell me even if you hate my guts, but I need to know the truth, I can't stand this feeling of not knowing because I like you Al" Alex had a tear rolling down her cheek.

"I like you too" and with that she teleported out and Bucky was left in tears "FUCK" he yelled smashing his hand down onto the table.

"FUCK, fuck, fuck" he yelled before storming out and making his way to the gym

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