leah clearwater.

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fandom - twilight
reader - girl
age - 16/17
requested - yes


YOU REMEMBER THE FIRST TIME YOU SAW HER. you remembered every exact detail from the short but comfortablely nervous conversation to what she was wearing. in fact, you couldn't forget the day you met leah clearwater. she was ingrained into your head, no matter what you did, you couldn't stop thinking about her. if someone had asked you three months ago, you probably would've said love at first sight was stupid and irrational, that no one could fall in love with someone only by their looks. but now you were facing the very real possibility that it was in fact real, and you had fallen in love with a random girl you met at a beach party.

leah was beautiful. she had dark black hair that was cut short and framed her angelic face. her features were sharp, curved nose and high cheekbones that gave her a mature look. her eyes were what immediately caught your attention. they were so dark, almost black. you thought perhaps a normal person on the street wouldn't see much in her eyes, but for you it was like every underlining color showed in little splashes, hazel, green. she had eye bags but the red tint worked out well with her tan skin tone. she was tall, a bit taller than average but she walked with confidence.

you remember your best friend embry shaking your shoulder in confusion, trying to gather your attention after you completely zoned out. he was confused as to why you went silent randomly, as you were an extremely talkative person. but when he realized you were staring at Leah, he seemed to piece together something you didn't understand. you shook out of it, but for that whole party, you caught her gaze from time to time, and every time it would send a flurry of butterflies in your stomach. the type of nerves that ignited your entire body, sending electric shocks over your arms and your neck. you felt good about her.

that day you knew you would never find someone else.


WHEN LEAH FIRST ASKED YOU OUT, your only answer could be yes. Embry had introduced you two later in the night and from there you exchanged numbers and began to hang out on a regular basis. being with leah felt right. at the beginning she seemed quiet, charming, but like she was hurt. throughout getting to know her, it was like a new side of her was born. she was funny, carefree and confident around you now. leah seemed to have no care in the world that you were both girls, in fact, no one you encountered on the reservation had anything much to say about it. even some of the outcasts at school like sam uley's gang never said a word. you spent so much time together that it seemed like you were a couple. leah always had some place new to take you, hiking or along the beaches of the reservation. you would go up to the cliffs and would sit there for hours, talking until your fingers went numb. but leah always had a blanket for you, and sometimes she would grab your hand, her almost unnatural warmth helping. you would watch the sunset over the water and count the stars until you could feel sleep pulling at you.

in a month she knew everything about you, from your favorite flowers to wanted hobbies you were nervous to try. everything about her was perfect, even her rough sides. she told you about her past relationship and how it put her in a dark place, but she hinted that she was lucky someone was pulling her out of it slowly and surely. you knew it was you.

leah met your family. they loved her. you met hers. her mom and dad were very sweet, always cooking something good to eat. her dad loved to fish, and always offered to show you the ropes. seth was her brother, and he was adorable. he always wanted to tag along on adventures (but you always escaped without him - no need for a third wheel).

three months after you met, leah asked to be your girlfriend. you said yes of course. It was like every bone in your body wanted to be with leah. even if it felt like it was a little to early to start dating, you couldn't say no.

your first kiss was shy, nervous. it was under a tree in the first beach forest. you were taking a break from your hike, having a snack when your conversation had died down into a quiet peacefulness. when you looked up at her, you knew what you had both been thinking about for a while. you could feel your heart beat lurch when you allowed her to lean in and press her lips against yours. immediate sparks shot through your entire body, your hands moving up to play with her hair. it was very short and sweet, almost timid from both ends. but it was cute. you remembered feeling like you were on top of the world under her gaze.

𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐨 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞.



Heya. So this is a part of a request I got like 80 years ago that I totally forgot to finish. I'm trying to get back into twilight but I didn't have enough motivation to finish it yet, so I just decided to publish this where it laid.

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