jasper hale.

187 6 7


fandom - twilight
reader - female
age - 18
requested - yes


THE COLD BREEZE RUFFLED THE SLEEVES OF YOUR SWEATER, nipping at the exposed skin of your hands and face, tinting your skin a light red. You let out a long breath of air, content with breathing in the beautifully fresh, rain-filled air above the cloud cover. below, the town of forks was barely visible, illuminated by sketchy street lamps and occasional house lighting. the sun was setting fast, painting the scene in a gorgeous glow that slowly leaked into a dark blue haze, stars beginning to shine through the clouds.

you smiled as he copied your actions, taking a deep breath. you looked away from the stars towards him, not at all surprised that he was already staring at you. he was perfect, you thought, unconsciously raising your hand to brush his hair back out of his face. he was cold, ice cold like always, but you didn't care. he hummed, closing his eyes for a moment before he rolled over, quickly tackling you in a hug. his cold engulfed you.

"jasper!" you grunted as he basically crushed you, peppering your face with butterfly kisses. you broke out into laughter, trying to shield yourself from him jokingly. his eyes were a warm golden color as he peered down at you, stopping his assault to give you that cheeky smile that you loved so much. sometimes his eyes were different, warmer, darker. your heart surged with emotion and your breath left you, staring up at him with doe eyes.

"i can't help it, when you look at me with all that love," he sighed, breath fanning over your cheek, "i only wish you could feel what i feel for you." he pressed a chaste kiss to your cheek, suddenly looking sad. he frowned, leaning up on his arms to sit up beside you. you followed his action, eyes furrowing in confusion. you turned to sit on your knees, staring up at him with a small doleful gaze. you didn't understand his change in mood.

"i do, every day." it was his turn to look at you with confusion. you grinned, sitting up more as you began to rant, "i do when you pick me up in the morning for school, making sure i have all of my stuff cause i always forget something." he seemed to clue in to your idea and chuckled, his little smirk making your heart flutter.

"i do when you drop me off at my classes or pick me up, even when its wildly out of your way and you're almost late for class," he hummed, "or when you buy me my favorite snacks at school and deliver them with a sweet note." you reached to grab his hand, watching his eyes flick to you with an emotion you couldn't tell, other than suspense.

"i did when you met my family for the first time, and were as respectful and chivalrous as i've ever seen you be, standing there all nervous as my p/g quizzed you to death," you giggled, "i still remember how you almost stuttered when they asked you what your intentions were," remembering how embarrassing it was for you but also how hilarious it was for jasper. how his little southern accent shook at your p/g bizzare and invasive questions.

"i do when you look at me with love, honestly, and i don't think there's many things you could do to change it, because i love you." jasper smiled, a real genuine smile, rubbing his thumb over your knuckles. you didn't know if that's what he needed to hear or not, but his eyes filled with tears. not wanting him to get emotional, you leant forward without even thinking, capturing his lips with your own.

oh yeah, your first kiss together.

probably a thousand different thoughts were going through jasper's mind when you kissed him, but they all stilled. they were replaced with one single thought, you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2023 ⏰

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