wolf pack.

139 4 2


fandom - twilight
reader - female
age - 19
requested - yes, ages ago
(sorry :))


IF THERE WAS ONE THING THAT SHE DID NOT EXPECT, it was to stumble across a giant bear, wait no, wolf (?) in her backyard. well, technically it wasn't really a backyard as much as the great outdoors beyond her property line, yet, it was close enough. she stayed still, watching as the beast turned its massive head to make eye contact with her, its ears perking up to attention.

this giant wolf was, well, oddly human like in facial expression, especially the eyes. it had long, shaggy fur, an undercoat of white and a top coat of light red and browns. to top it off, it had speckles of grey and black along its back.

she did not know what went through its mind, but it recoiled almost as though someone had slapped it across the head.



she stood there for a moment, unsure of how to proceed with the encounter, but after a few silent and still seconds, she stepped forward. whatever battle of thoughts the wolf had been in stopped, and it reacted to her approach like a scared cat, fur raising in suspicion and a quiet, fearful grumble passing through no doubt giant teeth. besides the warning, she felt no fear enter her heart, just a strange curiosity.

there had been rumors of large bears in this forest, her new neighbors had been kind enough to inform her of such, cautioning her not to go too far into the treeline, but she never thought that those rumors would come to fruition. giant, murderous bears? totally.

this wolf did not seem hostile though, and if it were any dangerous predator, it would've ended her before she even stepped upon it.



"hello." her words were not what the wolf was expecting, that she could tell. it hummed a simple response, ears flicking around endlessly, tail twitching at every noise in the woods, noises she could not hear. she stepped forwards again, intent on making sure she wasn't going crazy.

the wolf made another noise, but before she could take a third step forward, the sound of a branch breaking made her head swivel around. were there more?

"sam, approach her slowly, don't scare her, geez."

"don't sass me, jared."

sure enough, through the thicket of a fern bush, the shadow of another wolf appeared, inching through the underbrush towards them. if she thought this wolf was giant, the other one was gigantic, standing tall with jet black fur and lips curling back to reveal a set of pearly whites that could definitely finish her off in a second or less. she gulped. this wolf was not like the other one. the first wolf was tiny, jumpy and curious. this wolf was demanding, cautious and dangerous.

"hey, there." she found herself mumbling, slightly intimidated.

"great. just your appearance has her scared. we should have let seth deal with this."

"hey, it's not my fault!"

"just wait till she sees you, jake, she's going to cry and run away."

"because of his face?"

"shut it, leah!"

she watched, bewildered, as multiple wolves emerged from the trees, creeping into the small clearing with different reactions entirely. she stepped forwards again, towards the smaller wolf, waiting to see the reactions of the others. none but one wolf moved, a sleeker but equally sized one with icy silver fur and matching grey and black speckles. this wolf stepped forward with a threatening growl, but it was quickly silenced by the intimidating one.

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