bill denbrough.

299 3 2


fandom - it 2017
reader - neutral
age - 14
requested - nope


"HEY BILL," she smiled so sweetly, sitting down so innocently that you clenched your pencil tightly. your eyes nearly rolled out of their sockets as he blushed, his words holding extra stutters as he fumbled for a response. same thing, different day. it'd be the exact same as every other science class. she'd come in at the brink of late, smiling as her and her perfect friends sat down in their seats. she would flirt with bill for a painfully long two hours, then leave at the bell, not a thought towards the boy afterward. you watched with pity as he grew more and more comfortable around her, not heading any warnings from his friends. same row, two desks back, you watched with a blank face.


the quiet class looked toward you.


"ms/mr. l/n. have you something to share with the class?" the teacher perched on her desk, pointy glasses covering her wrinkled eyes and over done ringlets bushing up at her shoulders, grey streaks beginning to show at her roots. you could only blink, shifting your head from your palm to rest on your fingers, humming deeply in thought for a minute.

"well i could begin on a lesson of how to properly curl your-"

she scoffed after a few students chuckled, and carried on with the lesson in a fury. she did not have the power to send you to the office, as you were the principal's son/daughter/other <3. you went back to staring at the denbrough boy with no one to bother you. though he was looking at you with amusement on his face. you cracked a smile, averting your gaze to the window.

he'd find your jokes funny. that was the most of your interactions. and it felt like that was how it would forever be. same row, two desks back, never a part of his world. forever watching the girl drain him of his guard and lure him in like a moth to a flame. she'd crack, and flicker on as he burnt alive with rejection.




i was feeling weird. so here?

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