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Aurora Black,

She lived with her dad in a small house, she didn't get why they moved out of the Potter manor into the small cottage with mold on the walls and without the Potters, she was only three so she didn't get told much but she missed her aunt Lily and her uncle James. Her dad was more nervous than before they moved and that made her uneasy as well. After a while she got used to it though, it became normal life for her.

But then the first of November came, she was drawing her dad and her two uncles, James and Remus and then a little rat that represented peter, she didn't like him that much, but he did always give her a present when he saw her, and she liked that. Her dad came to her and smiled "Darling, I need to check something really quick. I will be back in no time, nothing much." She just nodded, she knew he wouldn't let her alone for more than an hour. he gave her a quick kiss on the top of her head and apparated away.

Aurora was looking back on the drawing she made when her father appeared before her with a loud crack, he had tears in his eyes and crashed down before Aurora. He looked at her and took both her hands causing the drawing to fall on the ground. "Rora, I'm sorry I can't explain right now but something terrible happened, Lily and James are no more, Peter sold them out Voldemort killed them." Aurora only saw Sirius so devastated when Liana, his wife, and her mother, died. So, she knew this was serious and would probably never see Lily and James again, but she was more surprised about the last thing, Peter, would he really do such a thing?

She didn't have much time to take everything in as another loud crack was heard and the ministry appeared, they grabbed Sirius without even looking at Aurora and apparated back away.

Aurora was standing in the room her dad was just standing in front of her but with a flash he was gone. She was just blankly staring when she felt the tears flood over her cheeks down on the floor, she looked down and saw her drawing, the colored pencil was fading out because of the tears still streaming down Aurora's face.


Walburga Black the grandmother of Aurora never had a thing for her son, she thought of him as a blood-traitor but that didn't apply for Aurora, her grandmother had gotten a soft spot for her from the moment she heard from the Malfoy family that she had a granddaughter. After the news was out of Sirius Black the mass murderer helping Voldemort, and the Malfoy's telling her that the ministry didn't care for Aurora and the kid was left alone, Walburga decided that she would take the role as mother again only this time she told herself that she would be a good mother and raise Aurora with good manners and powerful magic.

Living with her grandmother made Aurora see all the sides of the war, she would see Remus every time for Christmas and for her birthday, Remus did have to lie to Walburga saying he was a pure blood, but the Malfoy's also came to visit. She didn't really mind which side of the war you were on if she decided she liked you you were good. Aurora didn't have many friends apart from the Malfoy kid, Draco, and Kreacher but you can't really call a house-elf your friend or that's what Walburga used to say.

Aurora's life was getting back on the normal track but then she lost another person close to her, this time her grandmother as she was already pretty old, she died. Another person leaving Aurora in a dark time.

Initially Remus was planning on taking Aurora in, but he wanted the seven-year-old to have a stable life for once and so a sent a letter to Severus Snape, professor at Hogwarts and an uncle to Aurora by being to brother of Liana Snape the mother of Aurora. He hoped that Snape could take the girl to Hogwarts making sure she had a lot of caring people around her and of course her uncle as he was one of the only living family of her that was not in Azkaban.

When Snape got the owl, he did not think twice and rushed to grimmauld place 12 and picked the girl up, he looked her in the eyes and immediately stated to tear up as he saw his beloved younger sister, he was devastated as he lost the only person who actually cared for him, and Liana was the only one he called family. But he had to keep strong for the little Aurora and so he apparated to Hogwarts where Minerva was waiting on Snape as she also got an owl from Remus and took the little girl from the potions master as she started crying from the weird and painful feeling of apparating for the first time.

Aurora got a room next to Snape's office, because of her training with Walburga she was for a seven-year-old very good with magic and so when she was eight she got private lessons at Hogwarts mostly from Snape or Minerva but sometimes even from Dumbledore.

She would always sneak around the hallways or even pull pranks with peeves as she was the only kid he liked. She would sometimes be sitting in a dark corner looking at people passing her, she saw everyone, but they would barely see her and whenever someone saw her or ask her something she would run away being scared of bonding to people because after they know she is a black it's always the same, they run away and avoid her for the rest of eternity. So Aurora earned the name 'mystery girl' or some other people would say she is not real but a ghost and so she earned another name 'the girl in black'.

Snape and Minerva did want to get that rumor out of school so they took an old portrait of Aurora in a flower field of black and red flowers that hung in her room at grimmauld place 12 and hung it up in the library with the title 'mystery girl' so they would hope that people would guess that's the girl who sneaks around in the corridors and not some weird ghost because Minerva was tired of trying to get the spooky stories told about Aurora out of the scared eleven year old heads.

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