2: the first lesson

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Aurora had just finished her lesson with Dumbledore and was walking down the hallway, her lesson was finished way later than normal making her go through hallways full of students who looked at her weird thanks to her robes and the fact that most people had never seen her.

She became very anxious and nervous and felt heat rush to her head, she got dizzy and nearly fell over. Aurora just got to an abandoned corridor and slid down the wall, her hand in her hair as she started to hyperventilate, tears falling down from her cheeks to the floor.

She sat there for 10 minutes as the worst part of the panic attack passed, peeves passed by and sat down next to her. Peeves did his best to cheer her up but you can't do much for a panic attack than just be calm and think happy thoughts.

Peeves made a proposition, if she would get him a free prank pass from McGonagall they would be planning a big prank and so it didn't take long for Aurora to jump up and run to the classroom of transfiguration.

Minerva made sure Aurora was okay before she started her lessons transfiguration, it was a small revision because Minerva didn't have much time, she had a lesson with the Gryffindors in a half an hour but she did have an idea. Aurora could stay for the lesson to get more used to other people, Aurora was over the moon and accepted immediately.

Minerva had a few spare robes in a little storage room in the back of the classroom that could fit Aurora, she pulled them on and went to sit in the back of the class McGonagall calmed her down because Aurora was just one block of nerves, her first lesson.

It was time, McGonagall went to the door and let the waiting students in, she rushed a few late students and after everyone was in the classroom she closed the door and gave a reassuring nod to Aurora who was so what dying from stress, it didn't help that there was a boy who sat next to Aurora.

The boy was one of the two Weasley boys running from filch she saw not long ago. She noticed the two boys were actually twins, one of the twins was sitting next to her and the other one was sitting the desk next to him next to another boy called lee Jordan, the boy was quidditch obsessed and was asking Minerva to be a presenter for the quidditch matches all the time every moment he saw her he slipped in the question McGonagall was growing to hate "miss, could you please get me a place as presenter for the quidditch matches?"

The Weasley boy next to her wasn't really a problem, he was constantly whispering to his brother and lee about a new prank they could pull definitely not caring about the lesson but McGonagall was not stupid and gave the three boys all a little detention after class for an hour.

The class was a bit boring for Aurora because she knew everything already but it was handy to help her with her social anxiety, Aurora was proud of herself, even with just a small lesson of two hours her social skills went up in miles.

The boy sitting next to her was apparently called George and his brother on the other desk Fred, Aurora had to admit that she didn't see a difference in the two boys but she didn't think that would be an issue.

Aurora could clearly see that George was trying to see what she was writing to copy it, but he didn't have a big help of her as she didn't write much down instead she was making little doodles and thinking how she would ask Minerva about the free prank pass, McGonagall was like a mum to Aurora and that was also what Aurora called Minerva "mum" at the beginning McGonagall would get uncomfortable with that as she didn't want to take Liana's place but later she got used to it and it became a normal term.


The class was over and she went to the front desk for a talk to her mom about the peeves situation, she tried to talk quietly so the three boys in the back of the class wouldn't hear her "mum, could I ask you something?"

Minerva looked concerned, normally Aurora would just drop the question only if something was wrong or she was up to mischief she would ask her question carefully. "Darling, what's wrong? What are you up to?" "Don't worry mum, it's just I had a little panic attack before this lesson and peeves was calming me down and he had a good idea to do, it's just I need something from you for that.", "I'm listening...but if it's something stupid I will say no, you know that."

Aurora had to keep in her laughter so the boys would hear nothing she knew her mother would still say yes even if it was something stupid. "Look, you know how I like a little prank, well...peeves had the idea to pull a fun little amusing prank to lift my spirits but... than we do need something of you, so my question was if you could give us a prank free pass?"

"You ask me for what?!" It came out a bit louder than expected and it caught the attention of the boys in the back of the class.

"Peeves asked you for this didn't he?" At the name of peeves all the three the boys were listening very closely to every word said. "He knows he will get in trouble with filch if he pulls one more of his pranks, and he also knows you won't!" The boys were more curious than ever, a person who could not get in trouble from pulling a prank that's most certainly rare.

"Mum," Aurora was raising her voice to now and the word mum was not a word the three expected to get said to McGonagall. "You know it's just peeves, his pranks are harmless and fun not to forget. Please just do it for me, please please please." "Ah, just... maybe... it probably wouldn't hurt would it?" Aurora shook her head as a sigh that she would behave, she couldn't say the same for peeves though and she knew that. "Okay, darling just for this time you get a pass, don't do something that could hurt other people, understand?"

Aurora nodded, "yes mum, of course mum, I will never hurt someone." Aurora gave a smug smile and hopped out of the room not noticing three grins coming from the boys in the back of the classroom.

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