19: The tournament

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The year had started and the lessons went on like normal. That also meant that Aurora was giving private lessons again, Ginny didn't actually need them but she didn't say no to learning more hexes that she could test on her brothers.

Lee also didn't really need them but it did help so she kept giving them to him.
Aurora was teaching Lee potions in the library when the twins came to their table.

"You little git. you told us that you don't get lessons."
"Well their technically not really lessons more like study help."
"It's the same."

Aurora laughed at the twins that were sarcastically angry and disappointed at Lee.
But then decided to get herself involved.

"Guys you know it's really helping mine and Lee's points so maybe you should also participate in these study sessions and lessons."
"We don't need them, we don't care about school, you know that."
"We want to be gone as fast as possible."
"Good said George."
"Same for you Fred."

Aurora rolled her eyes at the boys and went back to studying with Lee. The twins scoffed and sat down, still wanting to ask something to Aurora.

"Yes Fred?"
"You know Snape well don't you?"
"Yes I do. What's up with that?"
"So, we really want to participate in the tournament but we get seventeen just to late."
"Yes and?"
"Well can't you ask Snape of there existed an aging potion?"
"I can do that but I don't think that it will work, Dumbledore made the age line and he's a pretty powerful wizard."
"Oh please? Please?"
"Okay, I will ask but I just don't think it will work."
"Thank you Darling!"

The twins both hugged Aurora and then went up in their own conversation over the tournament.

All the peace and quiet got disturbed by McGonagall that came with news.
"Dear, would you mind helping me?"
"Oh yes with what?"
"With the tournament, we just need to pitch a few things and if I'm not wrong you could help."
"What do I need to do? I'll start immediately!"
"Charlie is with Hagrid at the edge of the forest, find him he will tell you what to do."
"Charlie's here?! I haven't seen him in a long time!"

Aurora hurried out trying to find her old friend leaving as quick as possible just grabbing her bag swiftly but leaving her defense against the dark arts book where she was teaching Ginny hexes out of.

All that while the twins were baffled.
"Wait your saying our brother is here?!"
"And he didn't tell us about it, that git!"
"Oh yes he is here, you can say hello in a minute but he's working right now."

McGonagall was calm and walked away following in Aurora's steps, while the twins just looked at each other flabbergasted.

"CHARLIE!" Aurora screamed because she was not sure where exactly Charlie and Hagrid would be but her question got answered when she saw Hagrid and Charlie come out of the forest, walking towards her.

"RORA, long time no seen. I see Minerva did what I asked."
"Oh yes whit what can I help?"
"I'll show you follow me."
Aurora gave Charlie a quick hug and then followed him and Hagrid in the forest.

Aurora had helped Hagrid and Charlie with the preparation for the first task of the tournament. Hagrid had made sure if this knowing how much Aurora loved magical creatures and mostly dragons so now she was able to see them in real life.

She was now sitting in a corner of the transfiguration classroom just making her schoolwork for her uncle.

This did not go smoothly as she was disturbed by a known redhead to her. He walked up to her and hunched over so their faces were aligned.

Aurora smiled and sat back against the back of her chair.
"Good day Fred."
"What were you doing with my brother."
"You know I cannot tell you."
"Now you making it sound like you did something you don't want to tell me, I have a lot of fantasy I can imagine a lot of things that you could have done with him."
"Ow come on Fred now you're making it really dirty."
"That's your mind darling not mine."
Fred smirked and Aurora rolled her eyes at that.

"Do you want to ask me something?"
"Why do you always lose your books."
Aurora tried her best to hide her smile and mimicked his movements and came closer to him again. Locking eyes.
"Why are you always the person that brings them back? You know Lee and Ginny could just give it back next study session."
Fred stood up and walked around the table now standing next to her moving closer so they could feel each other's breaths.

Fred leaned in and whispers in her hair.
"But darling I'm the only one who thinks of them, the others would forget. And isn't it fun to see me more often?"
Aurora felt shivers down her spine and grabbed the book from Fred's hands while a smile formed on her face.
"It's so much fun but I have to go now, see you."
Aurora said it quickly trying to escape Fred's gaze.

Aurora turned around facing Fred that was grinning and now sitting on a table.
"How is it going with the marauders map?"
She had giving it back to the twins because she knew that they could use it better than her, she knew the map out of her head better than everyone expect the marauders themselves.

"Well, euh... we gave it to Harry, you see he couldn't go to Hogsmeade and so we gave him the map so he could go unseen."
Fred expected that Aurora would get angry so he immediately without even giving her time to speak started to apologize.

"Look I'm sorry I should have asked I know but I just had compassion with him."
A little smirk appeared on Aurora's face when she saw the desperate and apologetic face of Fred. She was able to hide it and put up a sad face which made Fred even more panicked.

He Jumped of the table and gripped her arms.
"Love please forgive me. Please,.... please."
"I don't know Fred..."
"Please Aurora! I did not mean to hurt you."
Aurora put up a disappointed face making Fred even more desperate and sink to his knees.

Aurora couldn't hold it anymore and started laughing and pulled Fred of the ground.
"What?!" Fred was confused not being able to figure out if she was angry or not.
"Fred I don't mind that you gave away the map, I have it memorized so I don't need it anymore. But like you had to see your face, so fucking funny."

He was startled for a bit but then started laughing with her and took over the book to hit her on the arm with it.
They were playfully fighting when Draco stumbled in.

"Rory, I was searching for you everywhere."
"Well you found me."
"Yes, but what are you doing with this blood traitor."
Draco spat the last words towards Fred with utter disgust.
"He gave my book back don't worry dray."
"Okay but I don't like you being so nice with those people, you should be like the rest of your blood line."
"Oh so I should be just like my dad?"
"Okay you win, be like your uncle."
"Good I will be, I'm gonna see him now."

Aurora took the book from Fred and stormed out with Draco shouting about pure blood on her tail. Fred stood there just completely and utterly confused. He went back to the common room like that and sat down in the couch next to his brother.

"Freddie where were you?"
"Giving Aurora her book back why."
"Ooooo your trying to get cozy with Rora, I get it."
"Oh shut it George. I was not."
"You are curious about her though."
"Yes I am. She's a special girl."
"In what kind of way?"
"Secrets George, secrets."

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