13: an unexpected friend

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Aurora looked at the girl.
She thought that the girl did not look very healthy more a bit dazed like just awoken from a sort of trance.

The girl shock awake immediately looking alive but scared.
"Oh sorry I didn't mean to, I'm going back to the common room don't worry. I'm not in trouble am I?"
Aurora smiled at the younger girl.
"You're not in trouble I'm not a perfect I don't give detention."
The girl smiled.

"What are you doing here? You're a first year aren't you?"
"Yes I am I was just making a stroll around the castle."
"You and I both know that that's not true, you don't look like you're just walking around."
"What do you mean?"
"What are you doing with your diary here it's too cold to write outside at night."
"Your quite observant are you."

Aurora sniggered at the sentence, the girl was not the first one to say that as the twins said the same thing not that long ago.

"Ginny is it?"
"Yes it is, and you're the girl the twins talk about are you? You're the girl that is super smart but never follows lessons?"
"The twins talk about me, didn't expect that."
"O well they talk about you a lot but still mostly Fred."
Aurora just sniggered but did feel a slight blush creep upon her cheeks.

"O Ginny by the way I can tell you that I do follow lessons it's just a bit more complicated. But are you okay you look a bit straddled?"
"Well I just have a headache and a bit nauseous and I think I have a bit of memory loss."
"That's not just a bit, come with me we can have a cup of tea it'll make you feel better."

Aurora led Ginny to the empty classroom of transfiguration.
Ginny looked confused to why they were there.
Aurora just walked on and lead Ginny to the small office next to the classroom and made some tea.

"How did you know there is an office here with tea?"
"Now now do you expect that I'm gonna spill all my secrets?"
Aurora said that in a smiling and sarcastic way but Ginny still answered serious and clear leaving Aurora knowing that she still wanted answers.

"Well, you know I never spill my secrets so you can better start. Start with the diary."
Ginny nodded, "alright I'll start you look nice enough and I think you might actually be able to help me."

Aurora looked at Ginny, she looked scared and relieved that she could talk about this with someone and so Aurora wanted to make her feel like she was talking to a sister.
So she sat next to Ginny assuring her that she could tell her. And Ginny did.

"Well, you know I found this diary with my books in my trunk and so I thought that mum gave me the book so I would like have a friend in my first year. but I don't know now I thought she put a spell on it so I could really talk with it and so I was a bit angry at the start like did she think that I couldn't make friends?! But the more I think about it I think that she didn't do anything to it and I want to throw it away but I just can't. I don't know what to do?"

Aurora had to take a moment to get it all together.
"Is there a possibility that it is hexed?"
"I don't know to be honest it does nothing bad I think but it gives me a bit of the creeps so I rather get rid of it. Definitely with all the people getting petrified."

Aurora understood and they threw the diary away together after Aurora told her story and not just parts she did to other people know this time she trusted a person. She trusted Ginny heart and her soul, laid all her faith in the girl, and told her story, her full story.

She told about her father and mother, about her moved youth and the rest of her family and how she lived at Hogwarts or with the Malfoy's and Bellatrix. She did not leave a thing out and to her relief Ginny understood and did not judge even when she told about Bellatrix.

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