24: Secret organization

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Aurora was in her room playing games on a muggle gaming console, unaware of the secret organization her dad was in. A organization with the headquarters in her own house, a meeting going on downstairs in the kitchen and she knew nothing of it.

She was losing her game, she almost hadn't played all year and now in the vacation she was trying to make up for that but it was clear that it wasn't working. She was so concentrated while silently cursing all living things that she didn't even hear Harry arrive an hour before.

She couldn't concentrate very well though with the thought of going to the cinema tomorrow night for her birthday. Aurora was mostly stressing about how they could smuggle Sirius in because in most cinemas dogs aren't allowed and she knew her dad, he would watch that movie with her no matter what.

Everyone was told to stay quiet and completely refrain from the top floor, the reasoning behind that was supposedly that the walls are very thin and they didn't want the neighbors to hear and the top floor was allegedly infested by wood-worms and it were just the chambers of Walburga Black so Sirius wouldn't let anyone unlock the chamber of the monster.

It wasn't completely wrong what Sirius told everyone as there were thin walls and his mothers room was upstairs just the worms were a itty bitty tiny lie he just left out the part were he had a daughter that lives next to Walburga's room.

Aurora had a messed up sleep schedule, she would wake up at one pm and that wasn't a problem as almost everyone would be busy with order business.

She would just take food upstairs as snacks for lunch and her lunch went on until ten pm so they did not have to worry about aurors who stayed for dinner or the late meetings, dinner was something she would take with Kreacher at around two am so every one was asleep.

It was a fucked up schedule and Sirius did not really encourage it but he did not try to stop it. He felt bad for not being a really responsible parent but he knew she didn't mind, she was his daughter after all.

Remus would stay inside and because he and Tonks were the only ones that knew that Aurora existed, apart from Ginny who also knew her backstory but she didn't know she was there, he would make sure that when Aurora approached he would shoo other people out of the room.


Aurora was peacefully reading her book when she heard voices from downstairs louder than usual. Her curiosity got the best of her and she creeped out of her room down a bit of the stairs and listened carefully to the voices.

She understood the voices of Remus and Tonks pretty clear and went downstairs, totally oblivious to the fact that Harry had his first order meeting and the topics were pretty heated.

she walked in the kitchen already thinking about what she could get out of the fridge while shouting at her dad thinking they were the only ones there, "Oi are Remus and Tonks here, I thought I heard voices and it can be you 'cause you don't talk to granny or Kreacher."

Aurora walked into a room full of order members discussing some of anything and everything. She became painfully aware that she was still in her pajamas, while everyone looked confused at her, and just muttered "oh...  Shit... Sorry." and ran upstairs to the safety of her own room.

Ginny and the Twins were not allowed to listen to the meeting so they were playing some exploding snap in the twins room. They heard some loud rushed footsteps on the staircase and popped their head out of the door for a better look.

Aurora stormed the staircase on as fast as she could until she heard a familiar voice almost scream, "RORA". Aurora looked up and saw the familiar little ginger girl with a big smile across her face with her brothers behind her.

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