7: New beginnings

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Aurora's vacation went amazing, she spent a lot of time with Bella and they moved out of the musty old home of Walburga black and they moved in into a new house Narcissa orders to build at the side of the manor.

Aurora's life was perfect apart from a little thing nibbling in the back of her mind her dad.
Her grandmother helped putting the loss at the back of Aurora's mind as she didn't want to see her favorite granddaughter to feel pain about that traitor of a son. But it still hurts in her heart and there is nothing you can do about that.

Two days before the normal start of the school year Aurora went to Hogwarts, she was early yes but she wanted to see her 'mother' again and off course she wanted to drink tea with her favorite diary that goes by the name of Severus Snape.

Aurora was sitting in Snape's office drinking tea and talking about her summer when McGonagall came in,
"Mum-" Aurora half screamed and swung her armed around the lady and giving her a close hug, she was happy in her real family but she still missed her mother at Hogwarts.

Minerva, Snape, and Aurora sat down for at least three hours talking about every little thing that they could possibly talk about.

They also came to an agreement, Aurora would keep following private lessons thanks to her last name black and the fact that she was way ahead of her age.
A thing she promised Lee to keep going were the private lessons as she would sometimes sent an owl over to his house with homework in and he would sent a thank letter to Aurora he just send it to Hogwarts thanks to the fact that Aurora never gave him an address and even tho it just said Hogwarts she always got them so someone would be hinging them.


The new year had started and Aurora was like usual following the feast from a little room in the hallway just able to see the sorting and then she would leave for Minerva's office were there always biscuits and Minerva would always make sure that Aurora had food and there was a miniature version of the feast. Aurora's eyes became big life basketball and started with eating as she was almost starving.

As she came out of McGonagall's office she bumped into a Slytherin boy, she recognized the boy as Adrian the new team member of the Slytherin Quidditch team.
"Oh sorry, I didn't see you. Don't you have to be at the feast?"
"Oh eh no I already ate."
"Oh well I have to head off, I shall probably see you around."
"Well maybe." Aurora wasn't planning on telling a random guy about her weird school situation.

Aurora was sitting in the library not for studying but because she was searching for a good prank idea for a start of the year prank with Peeves. She was staring out of the window and didn't notice that suddenly someone sat in front of her.

Aurora was shocked by the sudden sound and looked up to see Adrian sit right before her.
"Sorry if I shocked you, it wasn't my intention." Adrian laughed.
"I was just wondering are you a second year?"
Aurora nodded "yeah I am"
"Then why are you never in any lessons or at any meals? What house are you in?"
Aurora got nervous and felt the heat creep in her neck and head.
"I uuhm I,..."
She decided she was gonna make her answer witty so she said.
" I am just way smarter than the second years so I have a different schedule."
"Oh cool, and which house than? Ravenclaw?"
"Uh not actually I'm a Hufflepuff."
Aurora wasn't lying, the sorting hat actually sorted her but he took a long time deciding if it should be Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw.
"O" Adrian said in surprise "why are you never at meals though?"
"Not hungry." She knew it was a stupid answer but at the moment she couldn't come up with something better.

After a semi-long silence Adrian started the conversation again.
"What are you doing here as I don't think your studying so early in the year."
Aurora chuckled.
"I'm searching for a good prank."
"Well you can try biting teacups."
"Old news already did that."
"Oh so we've got a troublemaker." Adrian joked.

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