8: the famous person

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It was the start of the summer vacation, Aurora was packing her bags and making herself ready to leave for the Malfoy manor.

It was quiet at Hogwarts when there were no students filling the corridors.

Minerva came down to her room,
"Darling are you ready with packing?"
"Oh yes I am."
"Oh did you know that we have a famous person joining us next year."
"Oh who?"
"Harry Potter."
"That one with the scar right?"
"Yeah you goth brother technically."
Aurora looked sad, she thought back to her father and started crying.

"I'm sorry, I've shouldn't have said that."
Minerva started comforting Aurora not wanting to see the girl that was like a daughter to her, being that hurt.
"You don't have to be sorry, I love you mum."
Minerva smiled and ruffled Aurora's hair.
"Severus is waiting for you by the fireplace in Dumbledore's office, have fun darling."

"Bye mum!"
Aurora waved and ran out the room cleaning the rest of her tears and than walking into the office of Dumbledore.

Aurora looked around not being able to see Snape right away.
"Sev? Where are you? I know your here. Your coat is hanging here and you never leave without it."

Aurora jumped when Snape came from behind a bookshelf.
"Very well noticed, you have the brain power of your mother that's for sure."
Aurora laughed a little, she knew that her uncle and dad never really liked each other.

"Ready?" Snape pulled Aurora out of her memories of her childhood, it was messy and she missed her dad but she was great full for every person that was there for her and the black family may not have liked Sirius they did like Aurora.

Aurora was also the person with the prettiest portrait on the black family tree in the black house at Grimmauld place 12. Her grandmother made it specially for her when she lived there.

Snape stepped in before Aurora with most of her luggage, Aurora stepped in after him, looked around the office and wished it goodbye "bye, I'll see you back in two months."
She cleared her throat and spoke clearly "Malfoy manor!"

Aurora stood now in the living room right behind Snape who was talking to Bella when he got rudely interrupted by Bella who rushed to her little cousin and gave a big hug and twirled Aurora around.

"I missed you little Rory!"
"I missed you to aunt, I have important news by the way."

Bellatrix's attention was caught and put Aurora down,
"So Serious, what's wrong darling?"
"Oh don't worry it's nothing bad, it's just you know the famous Harry Potter comes to Hogwarts...."
Bella's face dropped, the boy who lived, the boy who murdered her master was alive, okay, and going to Hogwarts.

"But that's not important" Aurora went on with her story not noticing the face that Bellatrix made. "The most important thing is that little Dray will also be going to Hogwarts."

Bella's smile came back and Snape said his goodbyes leaving the luggage behind and stepping into the fireplace.

At the time Snape left Draco and Narcissa came the room in.
Draco went to Aurora and gave her a hug.
Aurora smirked and ruffled his newly brushed hair messy.

Narcissa smiled, Aurora always made her feel like she did not only have a beloved son but also a beloved daughter.

Narcissa beamed and almost screamed out of happiness that dinner was ready to be served.

Aurora noticed that there was tension in the room and she suspected it was about the comment she made earlier telling her aunt about the famous Harry Potter joining Hogwarts.

She decided to take the bull with the horns and ask it straight out.
"Yes dear?"
"Well I just had a little question, how do you feel about Harry Potter joining Hogwarts?"
Bella gulped, she didn't expect that question and was deciding if she should be honest.

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