12: The Heir

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The summer vacation was pretty uneventful, she notified Bella on everything that happened in the last year of school.

Bella looked happy and surprised, Aurora knew that she now got more hope, her master was back. Or more he was back partly.

Aurora went to Hogwarts a bit earlier than normal, she had a week now instead of three days.

She spent the week most of the time with helping Hagrid with all the creatures. For her birthday she got a magical creature's book from the person who knew the most about them, Newt Scamander.

Aurora also loved her daily tea times with McGonagall and Snape. They were interesting and pretty funny, thanks to Snape being really good with potions he also was really good with brewing tea.

After a day Peeves caught on the fact that Aurora came back, he immediately tried pranking her. The prank backfired almost immediately and it ended with a prank war.

Their fun was cut short by Minerva though telling them to stop and bow to each other to end the prank war finally.


The year began and Aurora sat with Draco and Adrian at the Slytherin table waiting till the first years would walk in to get sorted.

They were just talking when Draco noticed something.
"Where is Harry and his weasel friend?"
Aurora sighed,
"It's Weasley Draco. Get it right."
Draco just huffed.

Aurora looked around and everywhere she looked she couldn't find Harry and Ron. Maybe they got expelled? Aurora thought, away trouble back a normal year. Her thoughts were mean but they were exact the same as more than a half of the great hall.

The first years walked in and she immediately spotted a red head girl looking quite scarred. She saw the twins putting their thumps up at the girl and so she must be the youngest of the Weasleys.

And as all Weasleys were this one also got sorted into Gryffindor.
Aurora saw the twins looking very proud and she smiled to Fred who was quickly looking her way.

Aurora was just reading her book enjoying herself when she heard a few people talk about Harry's entree by a flying car.

Aurora never really believed rumors and so she went to Snape to hear if it was true.
She knocked in the door to Snape's office and he opened the door,

"Aurora hi what's going on?"
Snape Said normally she now was with Adrian now laughing at first years that didn't know where they had to go to and something helping them if it was too sad for them.

Aurora asked about the Harry adventure and Snape explained what he knew but his knowledge was limited and he only knew that he found them looking into the window of the great hall.

Aurora was a very curious person and so she went to the Gryffindor common room and got welcomed by the fat lady.
"Darling how are you it's been a so long time!"

"Hiya it's going great but I heard a rumor and I need to get in here."
The fat lady nodded understanding and opened the way that led her to the common room of the Gryffindors.

Aurora sneaked around trying not to get seen by too many people because everyone who did spot her glared at her all with the same question in their minds who is that.

Aurora found her way to Lee and the twins and tapped Fred on his shoulder which made him jump and he forgot to breathe for a second.
"Merlin's balls Rory what are you doing here?"

Aurora just laughed and ruffled his hair.
Then she turned her attention to Lee.
"Hey Lee, do you know about that rumor of Harry and Ron."

Lee grinned
"I know everything about that, sit down and enjoy my wonderful voice that will tell you the story of a boy and his friend that don't like a normal entrance."

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