26: the snake and the weasel

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Arthur Weasley was walking through the corridor, he heard a hiss noise and turned around frantically pulling his wand out ready to engage in battle.

A twelve foot long green snake slithered slowly towards him almost unnoticeable in the dark, Arthur was about to throw a spell at the snake when it lashed out biting him hard but short.

He was shocked and stumbled back when the snake attacked him for a second time pulling pieces of flesh with it that now dangled out of the snakes mouth and within seconds was gulped up, quickly after that a third time. The third time was severely more brutal than the first two times splintering Arthur's ribs in the process.

He stumbles and falls head first into a wall, his vision gets blurred by black spots and he loses consciousness.


Harry wakes up in a cold sweat by Ron who stands terrified besides him, he hears sighing in relief and asking him if he was alright.

Harry ignores him, everything is a bit of a blur then it's as sharp as daylight Ron's dad got attacked. He grabs Ron by the shoulders shakes him and almost screams in his face, "It's your dad, he got attacked I saw it. HELP HIM, GET HELP"

Ron signals to Neville who runs out of the dormitory coming back with Mcgonagall who looks annoyed but worried, her annoyance probably caused by her getting woken at three in the morning by a screaming Neville that a screaming Harry had a problem.

When she came in she wished she had not. Harry looked crazy, he had sweat on his forehead and was grabbing Ron by the collar yelling that his dead was attacked by a snake. Minerva sighed and sat down on the bed next to harry, she put her hand on his shoulder and ordered calmly that he shut up and told her clearly.


Aurora sat reading in the foyer of Minerva's room when Neville stormed in the room almost screaming at her to call Mcgonagall, she did as she never saw Neville in this state but now she was curious and walked towards the Gryffindor tower. 

When she walked through the portrait she walked into a worried Fred who clearly had just woken up. "What's going on?" Aurora asked him. He looked terrified "I'll tell you but do you want to wake Ginny up for me please, she sleeps there." Fred pointed to the stairs of the girls dormitories.

Aurora walked towards Ginny's room and opened the door quietly trying not to wake the others up. She tip toed towards Ginny and shaked her shoulders waking the girl. Ginny focused her eyes and looked confused at the older girl, "Rora what the fuck are you doing here" she whisper yelled. Aurora chuckled and explained that they had to go downstairs.

Ginny grabbed a robe to pull over her sleepwear and followed Aurora down the stairs where all her brothers, Harry and Mcgonagall were standing. Mcgonagall saw Ginny and walked towards the portrait telling them all to follow her.


They were all standing in Dumbledore's office waiting for a clear explanation. aurora wanted to stay as she was way to curious to not hear it from the source but a week later but she knew this was a family matter and she shouldn't be there so walked towards the door when Ginny grabbed her hand and pulled her down in the couch. she looked confused at her friend who answered with a little smile "please stay." Aurora smiled at the girl "I shouldn't be here." Ginny looked at her with a smirk "But you want to don't you, you want to know what's happening to so stay." Aurora smirked at the girl and made herself comfortable on the couch.

Harry explained to everyone what he saw leaving the part where he saw through the eyes of the snake out of his story, telling them that he was just a kind of bystander. All the Weasley's looked as if someone punched them on their face and ate their hamster.

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