31: The ending

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Bill and Percy carried Fred while Ginny tried to help her friend and brother up to drag them behind her three older brothers. They carried Fred towards the great hall and laid him down upon a little mattress.
They all collapsed as soon as Fred's body hot the soft white fabric.

Aurora put her head down on Fred's chest right above his hart.
"Fred...you...promised.." she whispered desperately and silent.
"Please say it's a prank I promise I will laugh and not be angry. Please keep your promise like you always do."

Her tears flowed for moments long but after she was able to grasp it all, the love of her life was gone and there was nothing she could do about it now.
She knew she could mourn after the war but right now she was going to make sure she did not have to mourn more people than she already had, Snape and Fred were more than enough for the rest of her life.

She lifted her head up and rightened her shoulders, she exhaled a few times and went to stand up but not before whispering one last thing in her love's ear.
"I will always miss you with the hopes you come back but right now I'm going to help win this war for you."

She stood up and walked towards Ginny who was sitting next to George, she wrapped her arms around her friend "wanna kick some noseless bitch' ass?"
Ginny got a bitter smile on her face "hell yeah." She answered not fully confident, the sadness noticeable in her voice and eyes.

George looked up when he heard his sister speak and directed his eyes at Aurora with a questioning look on his face.
She looked back at him with fierce eyes
"I will not let his death be in vain."

George nodded and both siblings stood up readying their wands.


They fought well together and even better than they were before the anger and grief affecting their spells and curses in a positive way.

Aurora looked at Ginny as proud as a mother would be. The young girl was doing a lot better than even grown wizards.
She looked back towards the great hall where Fred laid on that mattress and she thanked him silently for, together with George, learning her and Ginny so many hexes she never thought she would use for something other than pranking people.

Aurora and Ginny had stunned a death eater and were enclosing him in rocks so he wouldn't escape if he woke up. Mid making a stone igloo they heard loud laughing from outside, they glanced at each other with curious eyes and walked cautiously towards the entrance hall.

They, together with most of Hogwarts, stood there protective over the castle, their home looking upon a bunch of death eaters standing threatening in front of them.
Voldemort came from behind his followers with a smug grin.
Aurora felt her chest tighten and her breathing quicken, she wishes she could run towards him and rip out his heart if he even had one.

Ginny held her hand making sure that Aurora didn't really run towards her probable demise and squeezed comforting.
Voldemort started cackling obnoxiously and Hagrid appeared with a person in his arms.


One sentence and everyone became especially quiet. Aurora looked over her shoulder towards the younger girl who looked totally in shock, she heard Ron gasp and almost faint just in time being held up by Hermione.
Luna silently walked towards her girlfriend laying her head on Ginny's shoulder.
Aurora examined Harry's lifeless body, she could not see much as he was totally engulfed by Hagrid's arms but she did notice something else.
Lucius was standing alone, no sign of Narcissa or Draco only Bellatrix was standing there giving a subtle nod towards Aurora letting her know that Draco and Narcissa were fine.

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