10: the suspicious stone

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Aurora was like usual in the office of Snape doing her homework when she heard Snape and Minerva talking outside the door. They came in and Snape asked to go to her room for a minute. Aurora listened and went to her room but not without Snape yelling after her "and don't listen to the door put your headphones on I trust you."

This was a call for Aurora as she came out of room and looked at them with a grin.

Minerva looked at her knowing the grin as the same grin that Sirius had.
"Aurora what's wrong?"

"Well, if you really trust me why can't I know you guys super-secret conversation?"
"Well Severus she is right." Minerva reasoned.

"Okay you can hear it if you promise to keep still."
"Alrighty I will be as quiet as the dead."

Aurora sat in the couch just listening to what Minerva and Snape were saying, they were talking about a stone the philosophers stone to be correct. What Aurora could pick up out of the conversation is that there was this special stone that kept a guy name Nicole flamel alive and the stone was at Hogwarts left for Dumbledore and the teachers to protect and now Snape and Minerva were trying to find ideas to protect it.

Aurora had a lot of fantasy and that contributed to her having a lot of ideas on the matter protect the stone. She was then also the person who came up with the idea to make a big chess set and a potion trivia knowing that if a student found it nobody would pass that because no student listens to Snape.

When she told them that she did get a hit by a book by Snape but he did have to agree almost nobody listened to his lessons.

Aurora spent most of her time in the library somewhere in a corner. Normally she was there alone as she was there often when the other students had lessons.

It was around midday when Aurora saw a familiar looking girl walk into the library, she had big bushy hair and was difficult not to spot. The girl looked her way looking curious like she always did but this time she didn't just walked away to a table to read a book, this time she walked to the table of Aurora and just stood there.

Aurora looked up at the younger girl when she started to speak.
"Hi, excuse me, can I sit here?"
Aurora just nodded and went on with reading her book.

The girl looked at her with peering eyes
"Sorry it may be a rude question but I almost never see you, are you a student here?"
"I'm older than you, first year are you?"

The girl nodded,
"Yeah I am."
"Well, it's logical that you haven't seen me I'm in my third year so we don't have the same lessons."

The girl looked like she was deep in thought.
"Yeah but I never see you at breakfast or with house robes."
"I have been sitting at the table."

The girl just looked at her suspiciously and quit asking questions noticing that she wouldn't let anything slip of the situation.


Aurora was in Snape's office drinking tea and reading her new book Snape got her not long ago when he came in.

"Hey Sev, I heard there was a lot of commotion around the quidditch pitch what happens?"
"Well, it's a full story, but why didn't you watch today?"

"Well, I wasn't feeling it and Adrian will just tell me exactly how everything went so yeah I didn't go. But what happened?"

Snape took a cup of tea for himself and sat in the chair in front of her making her ready for a full story, he always did this when he would tell her a story when she was younger and some way or another she just loved to hear the stories from Snape.

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