28: department of mystery's

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Luna en Ginny were sitting at the black lake, luna's head was laying in Ginny's lap as Ginny was reading a history book to her about fashion in the 20'. Luna had wanted to know more about hats from the 20' so Ginny had asked her to hang out to research them and eat strawberries.

Luna was humming every time when Ginny said something remotely close to interesting. And every time she did butterflies would fly around in Ginny's stomach.

Luna's stomach started gurgling causing the girls to start laughing, Ginny took a strawberry and leaned in to feed it to Luna. She cupped Luna's cheek and gently put the strawberry into her mouth.

They sat there for a while in silence until Luna broke it.
"I love your eyelashes." Ginny looked confused at Luna but Luna didn't notice. She just kept staring dreamily at Ginny. "I don't think I ever said that before maybe I did. I mean I mean it. They are pretty, I never get mine as good as yours."

Ginny smiled at Luna rambling, bringing her head closer to Luna laying her forehead on Luna's "I love your eyes." Luna face lit up "Really? Thank you! No one has ever said that."

Ginny collected all her courage and finally asked the question she wanted to for a long time "may I?". Luna was confused at first but after she say Ginny looking at her lips it got clear to her.
Luna cupped Ginny's cheek and kissed her.
It was a gentle kiss and both girls were smiling when they parted.

"You know I've wanted to do that for a while now" Ginny whispered in Luna's ear.
Luna kissed her again, "well same actually. I love you."
Ginny looked taken aback but quickly recovered smiling "I love you too."

It was evening, Ginny and Luna were sitting in the Gryffindor common room when Aurora walked in.
She was originally walking by to see and ask Ginny how it went, but when she saw the two girls sitting together she immediately noticed and freaked out in excitement.

Ginny saw this and ran toward her slamming her hand on her mouth whisper yelling "DOES EVERYONE HAS TO KNOW?! To others she's just a good friend you know!" "Sorry.." Aurora whispered back. Ginny let her go and sat back down next to Luna, Aurora following her lead.


Remus was cleaning the kitchen when Sirius walked in humming over a cup of coffee and when he saw Remus a smile grew over his face, he walked up behind him and pressed a gentle kiss on Remus' neck.

Remus smiled and turned around to first peck Sirius and second steal Sirius' coffee and taking a sip.

"I think we should tell Aurora." Sirius sighed. Remus laid his unoccupied hand on Sirius' shoulder "I think she already knows, we were not particularly subtle." Sirius smiled at this, Remus was right. "And I honestly think Tonks has already told her after she accidentally walked in on us a week ago." Remus continued.

Remus was right of course, Tonks did tell Aurora and Aurora was immensely happy for them.

- flashback -

Aurora was walking in the corridor when Minerva approached her.
"What's up mum?"
Minerva immediately smiled, it had been a long time since Aurora had called her that but it had also been a long time since she was alone with Aurora since she didn't live with her or Severus anymore.

"Nymphadora is here for you."
Aurora glowed, if Tonks was here for her that meant that there was a juicy story she just had to know. So with extreem excitement she walked into Mcgonagall's office.

Tonks sat there choosing which biscuit she would eat.
When she saw Aurora her face lit up and she immediately forgot about the biscuits.
She is loost jumped out of her chair hugging Aurora and setting her down readying her for the big news.

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