30: The final outcome

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The order got together and enacted code red, they apparated to hogsmeade into Aberforth's inn so the alarm set into the town wouldn't go off.

They said hello to Aberforth and when he told them Harry had already gone through they to ran through the secret passageway leading straight into the room of requirement.

Time was running out so they ran as fast as they could to the great hall when Snape told them he had everyone gathered there.

Aurora knew Snape's plan but she was also one of the only ones, only a few selected order members knew it, he was planning on preparing the kids for war making sure they were safe.
He and Mcgonagall had planned all the routes to make sure every kid would get home safe.

When they entered the great hall they walked upon Harry screaming at Snape that he killed Dumbledore. Aurora wanted to slap him and wished he had died instead of Dumbledore, "how could he possibly be so stupid??" She thought.

Mcgonagall whispered sorry to Snape and 'attacked' him but in a way worked with him making sure he could deflect the spells and he deflected them towards the death eaters standing at the side off the hall.

Aurora pitied her uncle because now that plan one failed he had the enact plan two and that meant being part of the death eaters for a little longer and she really wished he had been safe by now.
While Snape flew out the window Voldemorts voice flooded the hall, telling everyone he wanted Harry Potter and at that moment Aurora wouldn't mind handing him over.

Minerva told everyone the plan she and Snape had devised like she had it just this minute.
When most of the students had walked out off the great hall Aurora walked up to Harry and slapped him straight on his face.

"YOU FUCKING MORON!" She screamed at his face, the people, who didn't know her, still in the great hall looked over at her like she was crazy hitting the boy who lived.
"WHAT THE FUCK!" Harry screamed at her face looking baffled that she hit him.

She grabbed his collar and shook him, "we had a fucking plan but of course your pretentious ass fucked it up now plan two is in action and it is way more shitty and less foul proof than the first you arse. Oh and btw your precious Dumbledore would have been dead either way by now, he was fucking sick but guess you also didn't know that. He got the easy way out!"

Harry looked even more baffled and didn't really get it, when Aurora noticed this she hit him in the stomach and sent a look carrying daggers to the trio looking deeply in thought.
She walked out of the great hall towards Fred, George and Lee who were blocking secret tunnels that would possibly help the death eaters.

They set up their fireworks and other prank tools that would help them hurting the death eaters.
She grabbed Fred's hands right before she went to her own task, helping Tonks as she had got her son not long ago and Aurora wanted to make sure Teddy still had a mother.

Aurora looked down at their hands. "What's wrong love?" Fred said.
She looked up to Fred "well remember back your first year at Hogwarts when you gave me my book back and asked for prank ideas?"

Fred smiled at the memories, they were good times back then. "I gave you prank ideas and as payment you said I could ask anything from you and you would do it, well I would like to do that now."
Fred got curious "and what would that be?"
"I would like you to survive for me."
Fred smiled at her and gave her a quick peck on her lips "I promise."


While Aurora was running towards her niece she saw the golden trio sneaking to the boat house, her curiosity got the best of her and she followed them, she waited outside not being able to see only hear the voice of her uncle and Voldemort. She hoped he was okay even if he was sometimes a bit cool she would miss him until her end of her days if he would die.

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