16: Father

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Hagrid and Aurora were on the edge of the dark forest, they were feeding the creatures Hagrid was going to use in his lessons.

She was working with Buckbeak trying to calm him down, he had always been nervous around people he didn't know and so Aurora was trying to convince Hagrid that it was not a really good idea to let Buckbeak be with so many kids that he didn't know.

Hagrid didn't listen so Aurora did her best to prepare Buckbeak for the lesson.

Aurora followed the lessons looking from Hagrid's house and for now everything was going to be good and Buckbeak was able to control his nerves as the students were respectful to him.

But then the lesson of the third year Slytherin and Gryffindors began. Harry Potter was the first to go and was respectful against Buckbeak. But then Aurora cousin came forward more known as Draco Malfoy. His cocky self-thought that is was very easy and so just approached the hippogriff without any respect and so got hit.

Aurora knew Draco well and so was fearing for Buckbeak's life as Draco would tell his father and Lucius was not a person for mercy.

The lesson was over and Draco was in the hospital wing but as his injury was almost nothing he was out fast only he did want to wear an arm support so he could brag about it. Anything for attention.

Aurora was with Hagrid eating cake, she baked it because Hagrid's cake was comparable to a brick. They were waiting for news about Buckbeak.

When the news arrived by Dumbledore that Buckbeak was to be executed Hagrid started to cry immediately and Aurora stormed out.

She did not hesitate and walked immediately into the great hall straight to the Slytherin table. Draco knew what was coming and tried to hide behind Adrian, but he was unlucky as Adrian did not want to get trouble with Aurora and gladly went out the way for Aurora.

She didn't hesitate and hit him straight across the face and walked out and didn't give him any other time for words.

Draco thought about it but didn't follow her and so tried to keep him from further embarrassment.

The twins, Lee and Ginny applauded just like a few other students even one person from the Slytherin table and no surprise it was Adrian. But Aurora didn't hear she was to angry and walked to an empty corridor.

After dinner Draco found her and sat down next to her.

"What do you want?!"
"Bloody merlin no need to be so rude."
"You made sure Buckbeak will get executed I have all the rights to be angry."
"Well I'm sorry but that horrid beast hurt my precious arm and I wouldn't want him to be murdered but you know my dad."
"That Lovely beast did nothing wrong, he was nervous and you disrespected him. So fair you deserved it."

Draco sighed and Aurora stood up walking away but Draco wouldn't let her, he wanted to be right and so went on with their discussion.

"He did hurt me and now I'm not even sorry anymore, you would do anything to protect these vicious creatures."
"I would against people like you, you're a fucking snob."
"And what are you exactly?! Orphan! Where is your dad? Ey? And where is your mum?"

Draco knew he hit a nerve and normally she would lash out hard but this time it was less, he didn't know that she actually saw her dad and so didn't lash out that hard anymore.

"You know where they are or what happened to them, don't need to be a fucking asshole about it."

The twins and Lee were just walking through the hallway together with Hermione, Ron, and Harry when they bumped into Draco and Aurora fighting.
They were pretty far in the fight and so Aurora had enough from it walking away the twins and lee following after her trying to calm her down when they saw the tears forming in her eyes.

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