4: an old acquaintance

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Aurora loved getting real lessons even if they were private lessons, sometimes she would get the permission to follow an actually real lesson with other students.

She loved the lessons with the Ravenclaws the most as they were more on her level of brain power and cleverness, the Hufflepuffs were also really nice to be with as they were always nice to her and just gave a lovely vibe off, the Slytherins were just fun because some of them would try to be the best and would hold little competitions but she would always win, pissing them off. The Gryffindors were okay but she only liked the classes with them if the twins and lee were there, because sometimes she would follow lessons with second years or even third years and the twins and lee were only first years. The Gryffindors were not bad she just couldn't handle the fact that they would try to be the best with all their courage that they had what she thought was a bit too much as a stereotype, with the Slytherins its was a bit the same but still fun because if you laughed at them they would pull weird faces, the Gryffindors would just ignore her apart from the twins and lee.

She considered the twins not really as friends just as people she knew and could talk a bit with, because the later on the year they didn't need help anymore with any pranks. Lee on the other hand she did consider as a friend thank you seeing him so much most of the time in McGonagall's office when he asked her to be quidditch presentator. He could be a presentator and he knew that they were searching for one now, so now Lee searched for Aurora every time to try for her to ask her mum if he could get the job.

Lee did have success as not much later he could try the job out by presenting a practice match and McGonagall was impressed so he got the job. After lee became presentator, Aurora congratulated him and they started to talk more and she made her first friend in Hogwarts that was alive and not a teacher.


Christmas creeped around the corner and Snape fixed it for her that she could see Draco again and so she would be going to the Malfoy manor for a few days most likely around four to five days as she couldn't stand Lucius.

Snape and Aurora used floo powder to get there as apparating still caused to much anxiety thanks to the trauma she had of it. When she came through the fireplace Narcissa was waiting for her pulling the girl almost immediately in a close warm embrace, after the warm welcoming enclosure she spotted Draco in the corner of her eyes as she rushed to him and gave him a quick hug and ruffled his hair after that irritating him and causing her to slip a pretty loud laugh cough making him roll with his eyes. Aurora considered Draco not only as a cousin but also as a little brother, she knew that came from both sides as Draco called her or Aurora or sis, but the last one made her smile more.

Days go by fast if you are enjoying your self, and the time that she spent at the manor was certainly a good time, as she was also very happy not to see Lucius so much.

Aurora spent time shopping for new clothes and all other stuff with Narcissa, she and McGonagall were like moms to Aurora and she loved the company of both the ladies, but shopping was a thing that she would rather do with Narcissa as they had around the same style in clothing.

With Draco she would spent her time telling him about different spells and she thought him a bit of the basics so he would start off very prepared for Hogwarts when he would go in three years. Draco was also pretty good at bord games as she liked to play monopoly with him, he knew it was a muggle game but he had to give in saying that they did a pretty good job in creating this however he still despised everything (other than monopoly) that had something with muggles, Aurora didn't get that for her blood status didn't matter and if she found a cool muggle game she would definitely not be ashamed of herself, she thought muggles were quite interesting even.

Aurora and Draco were playing monopoly in Draco's room when she heard a crack from downstairs, she went down with Draco to look what it was when she stood frozen on the middle of the staircase. She looked at a person she hadn't seen in a long time and a feeling of happiness and longing flooded her body, but in a small part of her body she could feel that she was scared, terrified and she couldn't really place why.

Aurora ran the staircase of, even faster then when food was served and jumped in the arms of her aunt the famous and wanted Bellatrix Lestrange.

She missed her so much that the hug that lasted long didn't last long enough, when they pulled away she noticed that her aunt was way skinnier than Aurora could remember and her face had cuts and bruises all over. Aurora looked apologetic to her aunt when she knew for what she was scarred and terrified for, it was Azkaban and what it does to people and Sirius was still in there. Aurora was happy that Bella was able to escape from that terrible place but she wished that her aunt would take her dad with her.

Bellatrix noticed that her niece felt sad and scarred as she spoke "darling, I think I know what you are feeling right now, I just want to tell you that I'm okay and your dad is still alive. He will never leave you, you must know that he is trying to find power so he can transform into his Animagus." Aurora looked at Bella, that was a pretty good idea actually.

"Bella, how did you actually escape? I never know that you were an Animagus." "Well, I actually am one you know. I just became one just before I was put into Azkaban. For if you want to know I'm a snake" she said it with a lot of proudness in her voice as Aurora knew her beloved aunt was a death eater. "That's cool! Can I see it or are you not healthy enough for that?" Bellatrix looked sad "no sorry dear I have to take a long nap for that." Aurora nodded knowing thanks to her dad that it took a lot of energy and she was pretty surprised that Bellatrix was able to do it as she didn't thought that there was a lot of energy in Azkaban, but on the other hand Bella could do everything. She only hopes her dad would also be able to escape as he was there for no reason as Pettigrew was the guilty one.

The rest of the time at the manor she mostly spends with Bellatrix as they had a lot of catching-up to do. Bellatrix told about the last orders she had as death eater and then how it felt to be in Azkaban. Aurora told her everything about Hogwarts and peeves and also told Bella over her first friend of her own age Lee Jordan normally her aunt would be a pure-blood fanatic but for her niece she would make an exception as her niece wasn't a pure blood but a half blood thanks to her mother Liana Snape being a half blood.

Snape came into the living room through the fireplace with the help of floo powder as he saw everyone sitting together talking what normally isn't a crazy view but he didn't expect Bellatrix to sit straight over him as he looked at her and just said "hello Bella."

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