1: the mystery girl

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When Aurora became eleven, she thought she would be going to school at Hogwarts, but Dumbledore was hesitant he didn't actually want that the young girl would be going to Hogwarts even if she did live there. Aurora was already at the age of eleven a powerful witch even without using a wand of her own and Dumbledore didn't want people to be suspicious of Aurora because she was so powerful so he thought it was better to just keep on giving her private lessons. He did order Snape to go and buy a wand with and for Aurora, they came out of Olivanders, and Aurora had a bright smile on her face and a wand in her hand (Dogwood wood with a phoenix feather core, 12 ¼" and surprisingly swishy flexibility).

Minerva did make sure that Aurora knew what house she would be in and after a rather long sorting the hat decided to put her in Hufflepuff but Slytherin was probably the second choice.

Because Aurora wasn't happy that she wouldn't be going to Hogwarts Minerva and Snape did their best to make the experience the same as normal Hogwarts students would have, they made her a timetable to follow and gave her robes with the only difference that Aurora had chosen them so they were black but instead of the normal house color there was a pastel purple with a beige tie, there was an embroilment on the left side of a golden snake slithering down from her shoulder.

Aurora would follow lessons a bit later than the normal students meaning that she could just walk around the hallways without being noticed by anyone other than peeves and late students, it meant that she wouldn't have to hide anymore what lifted her spirits by a mile.


Aurora was walking down to her first class of the day with Dumbledore, she had more lessons with him because the other teacher was busy, when she spotted peeves lurking around the corner of the corridor. She walked up to him making sure that she made no noise and looked around the corner seeing Filch run after two boys, she didn't know them but she was sure they were Weasley's their hair spoiled that. Aurora smirked seeing that peeves hadn't noticed her yet en took advantage of that by suddenly speaking up

"what exactly are we looking at?" Peeves jumped up causing him to go through the sealing and coming back by looking angrily at Aurora "why, didn't you see I was busy! you can't just try to scare me like that, and by the way I was not scared I just thought you were standing right under me and I wanted to make some space for you." Aurora just laughed "what was Filch doing?" "Run after the Weasley boys, I think we have competition, they are good"

Aurora acted shocked and dramatic "Peeves! you know nobody is better than us!" Aurora was actually shocked though, she had never heard peeves talk about somebody with admiration, she was getting curious of those boys and was planning on looking more into the pranks the boys did. But first she had to go to Dumbledore, she wasn't gonna learn the Skurge charm on her own was she.

She was almost at the gargoyle of Dumbledore's office when a blonde boy walked towards her, "Aurora, good to see you, I have important news" "Draco, what are you doing in here? You know it's not your time yet you have to wait another three years "Draco looked happy but sad and worried at the same time, he opened his mouth trying to say something but shut it almost immediately.

"Draco, are you okay?" Draco sighed "Bellatrix escaped Azkaban, I think she might look for you." "Ow....." Aurora looked shocked she didn't know how to respond to that. Bellatrix was family she knew that but it had been a long time ago since she saw her and Aurora thought Bellatrix might still be angry at Sirius and so also Aurora.

She lived with Bellatrix for a while when she was hiding from the ministry with her aunt Walburga Black, she was always nice to Aurora even though she didn't have a good relationship with Sirius. But after a year of hiding with Aurora and Walburga, Bellatrix got captured and thrown into Azkaban with her cousin Sirius. Aurora always hoped that Bellatrix and Sirius would talk in Azkaban to each other and solve their problems.

She was pretty happy with the news, she would get to see her aunt back and she was looking out for that, however she couldn't help feeling a bit scared and then mostly at the fact that people actually could break out of Azkaban.

"Actually Draco, I think I'm pretty happy about that, I miss her." Draco looked understanding and less worried "I guess its good that you don't mind. Just be careful, I don't want to lose my little sister."

Aurora walked up the stairs and came into the office of Dumbledore where he was waiting for her to start their lessons. "Ah, dear your here good we can start now with the Skurge charm."

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