27: Terror and fun

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School had started again and even though a lot of fires were on in the castle it was still cold, so Aurora was sitting in Snape's office with a hot cup of tea and a blanket.

She had her eyes closed just calmly enjoying the sound of a fetter scraping the paper every time Severus wrote something down.
Someone knocked on the door and Severus sighed heavily clearly knowing who was behind the door and definitely not exited for them.

Her uncle opened the door and she saw a very pissed Harry standing there. Of course, Snape was going to teach him occlumenty, she totally forgot.

While Aurora understood why he was there, Harry was completely baffled. He ignored Snape and instead of saying good evening to his professor he spit at Aurora "what are you doing here?!" He looked at her like she just crawled out of a sewer and rolled all over his clean white sheets.

She rolled her eyes and moved out of the chair making place for Harry and went to sit in a corner chair first getting an approval nod of her uncle telling her that she could stay during the lesson.

After ten minutes Harry was already extremely pissed and angry and it definitely wasn't helping that he was sure Aurora was laughing at him, which she was, it made him nervous.

After she really couldn't hold it in anymore and let a laugh escape sent her uncle her out of his office so he could teach Harry in a proper manner.
She did as she was told and walked towards the Gryffindor tower, still wrapped in her blanket with a cup of tea.

Most of the students had already gone to bed but she saw Hermione and Ron sitting nervous in the corner clearly waiting for their friend to come back. Lee and the twins were also part of the few that were still sitting and chatting.

After Lee saw Aurora walk in he nudged George sent her a wink and walked with George up to the dormitory leaving Fred confused and alone until he spotted Aurora.

Fred was sitting in armchair by the fire, Aurora walked behind him and leaned over putting her cup on his head, she was still holding it though as she was not in a cleaning mood.

Fred looked up, causing her to lift the cup, and asked "why do they always flee when you arrive?"
She looked at him and answered with a grin, "well they needed to get rid of you to go upstairs for a quick fuck and I'm the perfect distraction apparently."
Fred just chuckled and looked back at the fire sighing.

They sat, and for Aurora stood, there for a good while in a comfortable silence until Aurora broke it. "How do you think it is going with Sirius alone in the house?"
"I thought Remus was staying there to watch Sirius making sure he doesn't do something stupid." Fred answered.
"Well he is a Gryffindor after all." Aurora shrugged earning a scoff from Fred.


Grimmwauld place was dull without all the kids running around and causing havoc, Sirius missed it and it hadn't even been a month.
He also worried about his daughter, she and Fred had grown a bit to close for his comfort even though Tonks said it was nothing.

Remus staying with him for a while kept him more calm. He finally had someone, apart from the portraits, to talk to.

It was late and he just sent Harry a letter asking how his first lesson with Snape went even though the lesson was still going on if they didn't change the hour schedule.

He walked into the kitchen finding Remus making soup, it was calm every evening, just them two talking about the good old days and how everything was back then.
They had a great time together and it felt like they hadn't spent twelve years apart.

Sirius walked up to Remus smelling the soup, "more peper."
Remus looked at him like how Euphemia would react when James would comment on her found in a negative way, a look of disappointment and disapproval.

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