14: The escape

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Aurora sat at the breakfast table not completely functioning because she just woke up.

It was three days before the school year would start but Aurora was packing everything to lake her leave for Hogwarts that day.

Aurora was just looking blankly in front of her in a sort of trance.
She snapped out of it when Bellatrix came into the room with a plate filled with food.
Bella sat down in front of Aurora, she put her plate down in the table but didn't eat. She just sighed and played with her food for a while and then shoving it back.

"What's wrong? You look tired." Aurora asked
Bella looked up and sighing ones again.
"It's just, Sirius escaped Azkaban." Bella said the last bit in a rather hasty and high-pitched voice but Aurora caught every word she said and looked at Bella with a blank stare.

Aurora thought back at all the amazing memories she had with her father,
All the times they did movie nights together or they would sing together and uncle James would join in leaving Uncle Remus on the side laughing with Lily, for the most memories that Aurora had she could not remember Peter being in them and she didn't mind. Peter was the reason the Potters were dead and her father was in Azkaban.

It was his fault she and her father never got the chance to sing together again.
It was his fault Sirius Black couldn't see his little princess grow up, he was never able to say that she should change her clothing because she looked edgy, he was never able to judge stupid boyfriends or girlfriends not that Aurora had ever had one.

Aurora got a tear in her eye thinking about all the lost time, twelve years she hadn't seen her dad and her mom died pretty early on leaving her just like her God brother, parentless.

Bellatrix snapped her fingers causing the memory swirl in Aurora's brain to stop.
"Did you hear me?"
Aurora nodded, "yeah I did but you were gonna say something else."
"Yes indeed, so as I told you your dad broke out. And now everyone thinks I helped him."
"Did you?"
"Nope I didn't, he knows how he's supposed to break out but I didn't help him."
"Well if you helped or not I don't care I want to see him, he's been in there for twelve years and he's innocent!"
"I understand dear but you have to know it's a bit difficult to find him."

Aurora's day was going great, her father was kind of free but mostly alive. Her breakfast was tasty and she slept well.

Aurora packed all her stuff and was ready to leave when Bella pulled her apart for a important message.

"Darling watch out, I know Sirius is your father but he doesn't know what you look like these days so still keep looking your back."

Aurora promised that she would be careful and she left through the five places as her trauma of apparating was getting better but still she could not do it herself.

Aurora arrived in the office of Snape and to her confusion he was not there, she put her bags down and went looking for him and Minerva.

Aurora looked everywhere not finding any teacher and then she went to the last place they could be Dumbledore's office.

Aurora was lucky as she saw Snape and Minerva there but she spotted a third person standing next to Dumbledore's desk.
Remus Lupin.

She stood still for a moment trying to comprehend what was going on.
Minerva smiled when she saw the girl's face.
"Darling I think I forgot to tell you but your uncle is now teaching here. Mister Lupin will teach Defense against the dark arts to be correct.

Remus smiled after giving a nod in Minerva's direction to give conformation that she was correct.

Aurora smiled and hugged her uncle tightly, it been a long time since she saw him and she knew her uncle always wanted to be a teacher and she was very happy for him that he finally got the job. And also, she knew her uncle was a good teacher and they needed a good one after a full year with an awful teacher.

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