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"Go sit" I instructed the large man. He nodded and walked over to the couch, groaning as he slowly took a seat.

He was hurt, obviously. He held onto the left side of his back.

I raised my hand and moved my fingers around- watching as he sighed in relief. I took his physical pain away.

"It's gone" He breathed out with a relieved grin.

I stared at the God, wondering why the hell he was in Colorado. Asgard had been relocated to Norway- so it's no surprise that he is on Midgard.

But how did he end up in front of my door?

I eyed him suspiciously, and that seemed to make him slightly uncomfortable. He shifted under my gaze, but made sure to stare back at me.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked

"How did you end up outside my house?"

"I asked you a question first"

"You are in my house, jackass, my questions get answered first"

He scoffed and shook his head, "Be mindful of how you speak woman. I am a God"

"That shit won't work in here. You're gonna have to tell me how you ended up at my house. And aren't you supposed to be in Norway?"

He shrugged but soon looked at me as if I had just grown another head, "How do you know that?"

"Well that's where Asgard is" I answered

"How do you know about Asgard?"

"Didn't I tell you that MY questions always get answered first?"

"Well that rule seemed to fly out the window when you just answered my question moments ago" He smirked. I felt my ears and cheeks begin to heat up with embarrassment. That sneaky motherfucker.

"Now how do you know about Asgard?" I rolled my eyes and just decided to answer him- hoping he would start answering me.

"Simple. Ragnarok happened around the same time I left Alfleím. It was big news on my planet. I didn't find out where you all were located until I took a business trip to Norway. I stumbled across the kingdom." I explained

He nodded slowly, "You are a light elf?"

"Precisely" I turned my head and showed him my ears.

"Explains why you're so beautiful, why your skin shimmers even in the night" He flirted

"Don't try and butter me up, Loki." I scolded

"It was merely a compliment, sweetheart"

"Alaia" I corrected, "And I don't need your compliments, I need answers."

"Well you answered mine so I guess it is fair. Ask away"

"First of all, you never thanked me for healing your back" I started

"It had not dawned on me that it was your doing until now, thank you Alaia"

"You're welcome. Now, explain how you got here"


"A vacation?" I questioned as I watched my brother pace around the room.

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