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Tony and I walked out the lab and made our way back to the elevators. He pushed the button and we stood waiting for the doors to open

"I wouldn't be surprised if Loki was looking for you" The genius said. I wasn't looking at him, but I knew he had a cheeky grin on his face.

"Why do you say that?" I asked just as the doors opened to reveal an upset looking Loki and an irritated Thor.

"Alaia?" He asked with concern

"Loki" Tony chuckled

"Stark!" Loki countered with anger

"Hello Alaia" Thor smiled

"Hi Thor" I smiled back.

"Enough with the name calling" Loki groaned in frustration, "Why the hell was she down here?"

"Question is, how the hell did you get down here? Only Bruce and I are authorized for this floor" Tony said back

"He bullied Bruce into giving Friday permission to let us down" Thor told with an eye roll. I couldn't help but laugh a little- which seemed to make Loki calm down a bit.

"Of course he did- look, I was just showing Alaia my lab"


"Just giving her a tour. She seemed to like it" He looked at me for confirmation. I nodded

"Yeah, it's really cool in there"

Loki's eyes shifted from me to Stark. He still seemed a bit suspicious of the whole situation but he let it go.

"We'll Stark, if you're done- I'd like to show Alaia her room"  

"She's all yours" Tony said back teasingly. I walked onto the elevator with Tony coming on right after me. The trip was a little awkward. Loki was staring daggers at the back on Tony's head while the genius was completely unbothered.

Once the elevator stopped, we all got off and went about our business.

"You two get cleaned up and settled in. We're having dinner in a few hours and I want everyone to take pictures" Thor said as we walked down the hall

"That sounds fun" I beamed. I've never really experienced anything like that so I was excited.

"That sounds like a nightmare" Loki grumbled

I rolled my eyes and turned my attention to Thor, "Have you guys started watching Christmas movies?"

"A few" he admitted, "But not many. We can never agree on anything"

"Have you guys watched 'The Grinch Who Stole Christmas' yet?"

"No. Never heard of that movie"

I gasped,"Really? There's an old cartoon version and the live action. We can watch them both"

"I don't want to watch some cheery Christmas movie" Loki complained. I huffed and shrugged

"Then you can skip out- everyone else will watch movies"

"Yes, I like that idea" Thor grinned, "But we must have snacks"

"If I can find all the ingredients- I'll make cookies. Or maybe brownies"

"I was actually thinking more on the spectrum of pop tarts" Thor joked as I laughed.

"I actually make homemade pop tarts. Again, if I find all the ingredients I'll make them"

He silently cheered and gave me a one-armed hugged

"I like her, brother. She fits right in"

"Yes, I can see that" An almost jealous sounding Loki mumbles before walking ahead of us and going in his room.

I scrunched my eyebrows and followed Thor to see where my room was.

"Loki and I took the liberties of putting away your clothes. We did not touch your undergarments or beauty products" He informed me.

I nodded and waved a little as he walked away. I then walked fully into the room and used my magic to put the rest of the things up.

"I'll take a shower then go to the kitchen" I said to myself. Quickly, I slipped on a bonnet, put my phone on the charger, and hopped into the shower.


Sorry for mistakes 💚

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