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"Then you let me in" Loki finished. I nodded, taking in everything he said. It was kind of sad in a way- kind of comical.

Either way I felt bad. So I told him I was going to help him get to New York.

I knew the roads had to be closed by now, if not I would have just booked him a flight to New York and drove him to the airport.

Then, since Christmas is a little while away, I decided to still check to see if they'll be any available flights in case the roads clear up in the next couple days.

It was no surprise when I found out all flights to and from New York had been cancelled. There was a raging snowstorm up there.

And it wasn't looking too good in Colorado either- with the snow beginning to reach 3 inches.

"Okay, bad news" I say after looking down at my phone for a while. Loki had been wandering around the living room and kitchen, lightly touching things and staring at my paintings that hung on the wall.

"Bad news?" He questions with a semi-worried expression. The worry was soon masked by a neutral look upon his face.

"Yeah. The roads are closed and flights to and from New York have been canceled."

The god nodded slowly. It was clear that he was thinking of ways he could get to New York- though I had no idea what he was going to come up with.

"You're a light elf, can you not fly?" He asked me. I rolled my eyes sarcastically. I couldn't, but even if I could-not through a damn snow storm. I'm an elf- not a god. I can't endure those type of weather conditions-especially when trying to get all the way to New York.

"No, but even if I could, I wouldn't be able to fly that long and through that weather."

He frowned and began to think again. And as if a light bulb had just come on, his eyes lit up and a devious grin appeared on his face.

"We can steal a plane" He said as if it was the most genius idea ever.

"Please be realistic, Loki."

"Is that not realistic? I've stolen a plane or two before"

"Did you steal them or did you take the pilot hostage and make him fly you somewhere?"

It was quiet. I'm guessing it was the latter.

"Either way I stole it" He pouted like a little kid and I couldn't do anything but laugh at his antics. He smirked at me and decided to sit back on the couch.

"So what do we do now?" He asks. I took note of how his clothes were damp and his hair was a bit messy. It was also getting late.

"Well you need a warm shower" I started, "so you don't get sick"

He scoffed, "I am a god, Alaia, I do not get sick". As soon as he said that, he sneezed. I was about to give a smart remark but he gave me a look that made me shut my mouth.

"I suggest you get cleaned up. I don't have the heart to kick you out knowing you're a castaway at the moment so you can stay here. But I assure you, try anything and I won't hesitate to slit your throat"

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