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[Mentioning of abuse] ⚠️

Alaia sat in her garden, the sun slightly beaming down on her deep brown skin. She glowed and shimmered in the sunlight- curtesy of being from Álfheim. Her long, brown, thick and kinky hair was tied into a slick back ponytail.

She often sat out in the garden when she needed to think. To reflect.

Alaia found herself reflecting upon her life all the time. Though painful to relive, her mind always found it way back to the two people who caused her the most pain.

Her parents were abusive narcissists who ended up being sentenced to the dungeon for treason. That day was bittersweet. Alaia loved her parents but a weight was lifted from her shoulders the moment they were taken away.

She still remembers the scowl her mother gave her as she watched them being arrested. Her mother, Mia, never had the ability to hide the overwhelming jealously she felt towards her daughter.

Alaia was smart, beautiful, snarky, and vibrant- Mia hated that.

She was a mean old witch. Her daughter was everything she wanted to be- and that rubbed her the wrong way.

Karter, Alaia's father, only hated his kid because his wife did. Mia claimed Alaia was selfish, self centered, ungrateful, and sneaky. Karter never questioned it. He just hated his daughter for the hell of it.

Mia and Karter would talk down on their daughter daily. They kicked her out the house every other week, gave her harsh punishments, and even refused to feed her on some occasions.

She learned to fend for herself at a young age, but she was so not used to love- that she mistakenly started dating a man she thought truly loved her.

Ross was a terrible boyfriend. He was just like her parents.

He belittled and abused Alaia on a regular basis, causing her to stop being that energetic and vibrant girl she was.

She had no friends to talk to, her parents hated her, and she had no siblings...

She was going through everything alone.

It wasn't until one starry night that she decided to leave.

Ross was asleep and her parents were imprisoned...nothing was holding her back.

Alaia had been terrible at creating portals. That was the only one of her powers that just didn't act right.

Once she tried to create a portal to the local shop in town and ended up being stuck on Vanaheim.

"Okay, let's hope for the best" Alaia whispered.

She was hoping to end up on Midgard, and to her surprise...that's exactly where she was.

She found herself in the middle of the road on a snowy New York day. The sight was beautiful- to her. The plethora of people walking the sidewalks and a white substance slowly collecting on the streets excited her. She was free, finally.

"HEY LADY, GET OUT THE STREET" She heard from behind her. She quickly made her way to a sidewalk and began walking.

She had been planning her escape for months, studying Midgard and understanding she would have to get a place and a job.

That day, she picked up a couple "help wanted" flyers and found a shelter.

She applied for several jobs (not getting one until nearly two months later).

She ended up as a receptionist at a salon. That's when she started to save money and was able to get a small apartment.

From there, the young elf started to educate herself on entrepreneurship and business. Working at the salon helped her to realize she wanted to be a hair stylist. She had to learn to do her hair back when she was a kid because her mother refused to.

Alaia went on to take the steps to start her own business.

Nearly 5 years later- she was a well respected celebrity hair stylist and makeup line owner who had a net worth around 50 million.

Not only did she own businesses, but she also invested and saved her money.

Once she was ready, she decided upon therapy to help her through her childhood and relationship trauma.

She was financially stable, getting help to cope with her past, and finally getting back to how she used to be.

She had spent so long hating the fact that she was alone that she used to not find the joy in spending time with herself.

Now, she was happy, comfortable, and so in love with who she was that she didn't need anyone else...

Still, she didn't hate the idea of being in a relationship, she just had no idea when she would find her true love.

Little did she know... he was coming a lot sooner than she thought.

Sorry for mistakes 💚

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