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*Christmas Morning*

I woke up to the loud sound of The Jackson Five's "Frosty the Snowman" blasting throughout my room. It scared the hell out of me at first but I quickly replaced that fear with excitement as I raced out my room to grab Loki.

The last couple days have consisted of me trying to get him in the Christmas spirit and him allowing me to experience all the Christmas cliches since I've never really experienced them (neither has he).

We've built ginger bread houses, played outside in the snow, and even went Christmas caroling within the compound.

I really enjoy being around the avengers. They've only embraced me more when I revealed my powers- and per my request- refrained from asking any personal questions regarding my past.

They were like a family- and it felt nice to be apart of that, even if it was temporary.

"Wake up Loki" I shook him violently until he shot up and made his daggers appear. I fake surrendered and watched as he put them away with a sigh.

"Alaia, why do you insist on scaring me half to death?"

"Sorry" I apologized while taking his hand and going into Thor's room.

The music was still blasting so I don't know how it didn't wake him or Loki but I shook him until he got up.

"Good morning blondie" I smiled when he stretched and opened his sleepy eyes

"Good morning lady Alaia. Are you ready to go to the living room?"

"Yes, I'm ready"

We were all gathering to open gifts. Well, I was going to watch them open gifts. They all did Secret Santa and I was extremely excited to see what everyone got.

It didn't matter to me if I didn't get anything, I just liked being around everyone.

We three walked into the living room to see everyone there waiting on us

"Look who finally decided to come" Tony said dramatically. We were only like two minutes behind everyone else.

"Alright... we can start now" Thor announced. I watched as they picked gifts from the tree and gave them to whoever the gift was assigned to.

Thor got an IPhone, computer, and a charm bracelet complete with the symbols of everyone on the team (including Loki). That gift was from Tony.

"I figured you needed to be caught up with the times. You needed some type of technology Pointbreak. And- the spiderling picked out the charm bracelet. I tweaked it so it glows and vibrates when we need you"

He also pulled two presents from behind the tree and gave them to Loki.

".....are these bombs or something?" Loki asked with squinted eyes. Tony groaned and motioned for him to open it. He opened the presents and seen he was gifted an IPhone and an IPad.

"They're not bombs, only a desperate attempt for you two to get with the times."

"But...we don't even know how to work these" Loki pointed out

I giggled a little. Loki mentioned to me that Thor wanted the Asgardians to stay true to their ways and live without most Midgardian technology. I see where they're coming from, but I'm glad Tony had gifted them these electronics. They can at least make it easier for people to contact them.

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