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My nose filled with a scent so fantastic that my eyes shot open. I got up from the firm yet comfortable bed and went to go investigate.

I took a little more time than I needed to in the hallways, just staring at the beautiful pieces of art that hung on the wall.

"Gorgeous" I whisper, eyeing a painting that showed a nude woman posed to show her stretch marks.

I continued to eye the painting, seeing the woman looked eerily similar to Alaia. I made a mental note to ask her about it later.

I continued with my walk and found myself in the kitchen where Alaia stood over a stove.

She hadn't turned around yet, just humming lowly to a tune that was not familiar to me.

"Good morning Loki" Her sweet voice said. I smirked and walked to her side.

"How did you know I was behind you?"

"I could feel you staring" She teased. I let out an embarrassed laugh and retreated quickly to the living room. I sat on the couch and waited for her to come join me.

While I waited, my mind started to roam. I thought about last night, and how she walked in on me showering.

Her eyes were so big and wide when she took a brief scan over my body. Then she got embarrassed and left quickly.

I couldn't help but chuckle at the memory. I am not embarrassed, nor do I regret her seeing me. She is a beautiful woman, and I wouldn't mind spending some extra time with her.

My brother's blunder has landed me stuck with Alaia, and though only meeting her last night I can't help but be so interested in her.

These feelings are new and quick. Too quick. I am not one to fall in love- especially after one night.

She hadn't kissed, hugged, or fucked me. Why do I feel so strongly?

Gods, it is a mere infatuation. These feelings will surpass soon.

"I hope you like pancakes" Alaia beamed when she finally entered the living room. She sat a plate down in front of me and I gave her a grateful nod.

She sat down next to me- not too close- and began to eat. A comfortable silence filled the air before her eyes widened and she looked at me with a smile.

"I forgot to tell you this yesterday, considering..." She stopped talking for a second, and I could see just how embarrassed she was about the previous night's mistake.

"Don't stress over it darling. I am not sheepish" I winked. She cleared her throat and nodded

"So, I can create portals" She said. I nod, signaling for her to continue, "And I think I could get you to your brother that way. Only problem is, I'm not very good at it."

"Okay..." I say after swallowing my food, "So we'll practice? Keep going until we open a portal to New York"


Once we finished eating, she ran upstairs before coming back down with her phone in her hand

"Does your brother happen to have a phone?" She asked. I shook my head.

Thor thought it would be nice to stay true to our Asgardian ways and live without most Midgardian technology.

We only have a landline- and the Avengers are the only ones who have the number to it.

|Infatuation| *Loki BWWM*Where stories live. Discover now