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"What does Alaia like?" I asked.

No response, just endless panting and curious eyes.

I should have taken Stark's offer, I can't think of anything worthy enough for her.

You're no help" I said to Peanut as I got up from the floor and walked back to room.

On my way there, I spotted Alaia and Thor standing near her door. I quick hid so I could....eavesdrop.

"Loki is trying really hard" Thor whispered

"Is he?" Alaia asked while sounding unconvinced

"Yes. He even had a whole conversation with Stark"

There was a moment of silence and a small sigh on Alaia's part.

"I guess that's trying" She says, "Why is it taking him so long to talk to me? I'm the one he hurt"

"He's trying to find ways to make it up to you"

"He just needs to do something from the heart"

"That's the thing, we're not sure if Loki has one of those" Thor joked

Alaia giggled a little- which makes me roll my eyes. I could tell a better joke than that.

"What's your ideal date?" He asked

"I'm not telling you because then you'll tell Loki and it won't be from his heart"

"That he may or may not have" Thor joked again.

And again, she laughed.

It might have been mildly funny the first time but the second time was unnecessary and not amusing.

"I won't tell my brother." Thor said while NOT sounding convincing

"Yes you will" She groaned

"I won't tell him what you said, but I will veto any ideas he has that stray away from what you say. Just giving him little hints" 

Some more silence then a defeated sigh

"Fine. But remember, he has to think of this all by himself. You can help a little- not too much"

I peeked over the corner and seen she was pacing. She was biting her bottom lip and her eyes watched the ceiling.

I've grown to know that's what she usually does when she thinks...and it's so attractive.

Everything about Alaia is attractive.

Gods, I want her so bad.

"Okay!" She chirped. I quickly hid myself again and continued to listen.

"Dinner- that he makes himself- dancing, movie marathon, matching pajamas, and a sincere apology followed by cuddling" She finishes.

Damn. I thought she was going to say something along the lines of  "I just want him to apologize to me".

I was wrong.

"Loki's never gonna think of that" Thor said, "He's not that....sentimental"

"That's just my ideal date. Whatever he does needs to be from his heart."

"But-" My brother started before he got cut off

"Nope. Done talking about it now. I gave this situation too much attention and I'm supposed to be not giving a fuck" Alaia explained

I peeked back around the corner and seen her give Thor a swift hug before walking into her room and shutting the door.

After a few seconds, I walked to my brother and stood next to him.

"I hope you heard all of that" He said

"I did. Thanks. But that's not what I'm gonna be doing"

He looked at me with a confused expression, "Why not? That's what she wants"

"Yeah but that didn't come from me. But now I know to get creative"


Sorry for mistakes 💚

So I hate this book 😃 But some people do like it so I'll try and finish it but please be patient with me ❤️

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