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Colorado was always pretty around the winter time. Cold as hell, but pretty.

I usually spent my time between my place in New York and here. It was quiet here.

New York was so quick, so I needed somewhere to unwind and relax.

I had a cute little cabin that sat at the perfect center of the city and the middle of no where.

I usually spent my days watching the snowfall from my porch and indulging in Disney movies.

My dog, peanut, usually sat at my feet while I ate popcorn and rewatched "Up" for the millionth time.

It was close to the holidays and per usual, I had no one to celebrate with. I had no friends really, and my family was fucked up.

But, I was typically fine with being alone- just me and Peanut.

I don't know what was so different about this holiday season, but the loneliness hit a bit harder than it usually did.

I zoned out, thinking about how my life should have been.

Sure, I was grateful for everything I had and accomplished... but part of me wished I was on my planet- laughing and joking with my mother..

Having deep conversations with my father...

I wish I had that kind of dynamic with them, but I wasn't that lucky.

My parents resented me for some reason. I'd even say they hated me.

I never understood why, but maybe I don't need to understand. They're out of my life, and I'm no longer exposed to that kind of toxicity anymore.

So again, I'm grateful.

I sighed heavily and brought my mug of hot chocolate to my lips. I took a nice long sip, enjoying the equal parts of smell and taste from the warm drink. My movie was coming to an end, so I began to wonder what I was going to watch next.

As I pondered on movies to watch, I heard the groan of a man come from outside. I quickly waved my hand in the air, using my magic to turn all the lights off. I then got up and ran around the house to make sure all the doors and windows were locked. My dog followed close behind, probably confused as to my sudden state of alarm.

Once I made sure everything was locked, I grabbed Peanut and we locked ourselves in my bedroom. I was a cautious person. I made sure to act now and ask questions later.

Whoever was outside had to be gone- or so I thought. As soon as I started to calm down a bit, I heard the sound of my trash can being knocked over.

"Shit" I cursed.

Then came my doorbell ringing. My mind was racing. It could be a whole serial killer outside, I can't just open the door.

I hoped I could stay quiet so the mystery person would go away, but my plan failed when my dog began to bark loudly.

"Peanut! Hush!" I scolded lowly

She then took hold of my pant leg with her teeth and pulled me to the bedroom door. She wanted me to go open the door for the stranger- it seems.

Hell no.

"Girl I'm not about to get murdered cuz you're curious" I whispered. She was adamant on me leaving the room however. She kept tugging and tugging at me. I decided upon just looking out my bedroom window, seeing who the person was at least.

I tiptoed to my window and opened it, looking out and seeing a man hunched over and wincing.

My porch light was on, so I could see he had on either a dark green or black suit. His hair was long, black, and wavy- and his skin was pale. Though hunched over, I could tell he was tall and skinny.

"Excuse me?" I asked, daring to allow this man to know I lived here.

He shot up and looked in the direction of the voice, quickly seeing me.

That's when I saw his face, and I knew exactly who he was.


Sorry for mistakes 💚

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