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"So Alaia, where are you from?" Thor asked me before stuffing his face with another one of my homemade pop tarts.

Turns out Loki was not the only person who wanted to skip out on Thor and I's movie night. It was just us, searching through another movie to watch after seeing "The Grinch."

"Oh, here and there" I say. Though my eyes were glued to the TV, I knew he was looking at me. He was curious- and I couldn't blame him.

"Are you not from Colorado?" He asked. I shook my head

"I have a home there. I actually have a home out here too"

"Really?" He asked. I nodded and chuckled. He sounded so fascinated, "Why not live out here full time?"

"My Colorado home is more....quiet. It's a bit noisy here. And, my home there is kinda secluded. In Colorado, I can sit on the porch with my puppy and we can watch the snow fall together" As soon as I said that sentence, my eyes popped out my head

"Oh my god, where's Peanut?" I got up quickly, which startled Thor

"Peanut?" He asked confused. I walked out the living room and started making my way to my room

"Peanut is my dog. When we first arrived, she got scared and ran off. I hadn't seen her since"

I'm such a bad owner. She's been out of my sight for a couple hours now.

"Calm down Alaia. If you're talking about that small brown animal that I seen rummaging through my closet earlier- Sam has her" I stopped in my tracks and turned around to face the God

"So she's okay?"

"Sam loves dogs- so I'm sure he's taking good care of her. Would you feel better if we go and check?" I nodded and we walked to the elevator.

From there, we got on and rode to the the next floor.

"Just follow me" Thor said. I obliged and walked closely behind him- silently laughing at his red and green onesie.

Before long, he opened one of the bedroom doors and I peeked in to see Sam chilling on his bed with Peanut asleep on his lap.

"Thank the Gods" I sighed, "I didn't know where she was"

"Thor had me take her when she found her way in his room. Y'know- I had her for hours" He laughed

"I know. I'm such a bad owner- my baby has been missing and I've been eating sweets and watching movies"

"She was always safe, Alaia. Don't beat yourself up over it" Sam smiled. He motioned for us to come in so I walked up to him slowly.

"You fed her?" I asked

"Yes. Loki told me where the dog food was. You really packed your dog a little vacation bag?"

"Of course. All her cute little outfits and coats and stuff had to come with us."

"See, you're extra" He chuckled and handed me Peanut. I took her without waking her up and thanked Sam for watching her

"Whenever you need a dog-sitter, you know where I'm at" He joked. I grinned and left his room with Thor trailing after me

"Are we continuing our movie night?" He asked once we got back on the elevator

"We are. Just let me put her to bed and check on your brother"

"Check on my brother? Lady Alaia, he may not act like it but he is an adult" The elevator doors opened and I walked quickly to my room to lay Peanut down.

"My sleepy baby" I cooed.

I set Peanut down on the bed so I could grab her little blanket and pillow.

Once I retrieved them, I laid the pillow down on the comfortable little armchair in the room. I then picked her back up and laid her down- she immediately moved around until she got comfortable. I then laid the small, thin blanket on her and walked out the room.

"Do dogs need blankets?" Thor asked.

"Not really, but she likes to sleep under them in the winter time. It's small and thin enough for her to wiggle out of it if she needed to though."

Thor and I walked the short distance to Loki's room, where I knocked and waited for his response.

After two minutes of me knocking- Thor just opened the door. We seen Loki laid on the bed with matching black and green pajamas. His hair looked to be damp and he was reading a book.

He didn't look up when we came in, but I knew he knew we were staring at him.

"Thor, what did mother say about barging into people's rooms?" He asked while still paying close attention to his book.

"Hush brother. We are only here to checkup on you."

That made Loki sit up. I watched as his eyes went from Thor to me. He kept my gaze and smirked when he noticed I refused to look away.

"You know it's rude to stare, darling"

I shrugged and crossed my arms, "We just came in here to make sure you were good. You wanna come and watch movies with us?"

"Didn't I tell you no earlier?"

"That was earlier, this is now" Thor smiled.

Loki rolled his eyes but surprisingly agreed. However, he did remind us 50 times that he was only hanging out with us because he was bored.

I think he got lonely and secretly wanted to spend time with us. Either way, he was now sitting between Thor and I as we watched "Home Alone"

"I don't understand. How could they leave him at home? Did they not notice their child was missing?" He whispered to me.

I shrugged, "They'll figure it out".

After watching several more movies, Thor decided to go to bed.

I was going to follow his lead but Loki insisted on staying up to talk.

"What do you wanna talk about?" I yawned as we went in his room. He closed the door behind him and sat in a chair while I took the bed.

"What did you and Stark talk about?"


Sorry for mistakes 💚

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