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/3 days later/

I groaned in frustration after creating my 28th portal to Antarctica.

"You know, my brother expects us in New York before Christmas" Loki reminded me teasingly 

"Keep on and I'll put your ass out in the snow" I warned as he faked a gasped.

Having his company for the last few days has been...interesting.

Aside from the childish pranks he pulls, he really just enjoys watching me cook or listening to me talk about life on Álfheim.

Sometimes I catch him in deep thought. I could only wonder what he was thinking about.

"This shit is just not working" I stressed, "I've been trying for days. We should just call Tony and tell him we won't be able to go"

Tony and Thor alike has been calling my phone, asking when we'll be arriving and if Loki is getting on my nerves just yet- well that's more on Tony's part.

Thor likes to ask me about myself, if I'm comfortable with his brother, and how he appreciates the fact that I'm trying to help him.

He's a big sweetheart, and honestly half the reason why I even keep trying to create these damned portals.

"Fine by me darling." Loki shrugged, "Go ahead and break the news to Thor"

I roll my eyes and huff. He knows I wouldn't wanna disappoint his brother like that- especially when he sounded so sweet and genuine on the phone.

"Fuck you" I mumble quietly before creating another portal.

I was once again met with a polar bear staring through at me as I opened it.

"Alaia, I believe that's Antarctica again" Loki chuckled. I shot him a glare and closed the portal.

I just don't get it. I was taught to think of where you wanna go and just open the portal.


"It's because you're thinking of snow. Lots of snow. Think of something more New York-ish" Loki suggested. I nodded but then looked at him when I figured out he had read my mind.

"First of all, don't do that. Second of all, why the hell are you just telling me this now?"

"I thought it was common knowledge darling" He shrugged, "Think of the Statue of Liberty..or maybe even be more specific and think of Stark's compound"

"I don't know what it looks like" I sneered

Loki twisted his lips then held his hand out. I stood there confused until it clicked that he wanted my phone. I reached in my pocket and unlocked it, giving it to him.

"What are you doing?" I asked as he typed at my phone. It was 10 minutes until he groaned and gave it to me. I took it back and seen he was in my notes.

"I was trying to call Stark but that damned thing is so hard to work" he complained. I rolled my eyes playfully

"Call him for what?"

"To ask if he can send a picture of the outside of the compound. Or maybe his living room." He informed me. I nodded and texted Tony's number.

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