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"The god of mischief....sorry?" Tony asked with a teasing smirk on his lips, "Well this might be the first"

"It's not" I roll my eyes and resist the urge to snap at him. I swore I would take the steps to win back Alaia- the first step was to apologize to Stark.

The gods knew I didn't want to apologize, but it's for Alaia.

All for Alaia.

"Can you just forgive me so we can move on?"

He looks at me for a while before shrugging, "I invite you into my home....even after all we've been through"

I catch myself rolling my eyes again as he continued to talk

"I even buy you Christmas gifts. And you try to fight me? Really?"

"Don't be so dramatic Stark. I admit I got angry and overreacted- but let's not pretend like you welcomed me with open arms. You invited my brother"

"I let you come along"

"He had to convince you"

He shrugged, "Still let you come". I felt myself about to get angry but I remembered why I was doing this.

It's for Alaia, all for Alaia.

"I thought we were really making progress, Rock of ages"

"Will you stop calling me that?"

"Would you rather I call you Reindeer games?"

I huffed and stood up from the chair I sat in. I began to walk a little around the lab, observing everything.

"You like science?" Stark asked. I shrugged.

"Did they have science classes up on Asgard?"

"Our teachers teach them now- since we're on Earth...But when I was a child, we didn't have any science classes"

"Really?" Tony asked. He stared at me as if he was interested in what I was saying.

"Yes. We only learned about the history of Asgard. Learning the history of my father, grandfather, and his father. We learned about the Gods and elves. All the mythical creatures, really."

"Gods and elves" Tony laughed, "You couldn't tell me that gods and elves existed when I was younger. It was all a fairytale"

"Well, there are mortals who believe in everything, ones who believe in specific things, ones who believe in nothing- and the ones in the middle"

"I believed in nothing, I think" Tony admitted, "Nothing that sounded out of the ordinary. If it couldn't be proven then I payed no mind to it"

"That's okay" I said, "Everyone should have their own beliefs- and it's okay to change them as you get older"

".....anything you didn't believe in?" He started, "but you believe in it now?"

I thought about telling the truth.

Why even expose Stark to a little of my vulnerability? He could use it against me...

Or maybe, he just wants to talk..

"Love" I say, "I've never really felt loved...until recently. Thor and I had a conversation years ago- in an elevator on Sakaar- and I think that's when I realized he loved me"

"Was he not a good brother?"

"He was fine" I say, "A good brother. I just pushed him away. I think a lot of those feelings came from the way Odin treated me. I saw my brother has competition rather than a sibling"

"Mhmm. And what about your mother?"

I stopped to glance at Tony. He was still staring at me with curious eyes. I sighed and continued to speak

"She loved me" I said, "But I didn't quite understand it was love until she died."

"I'm sorry for your loss" Tony apologized

I nodded.

We sat in a total silence for a while. I could tell he was processing everything I was saying.

Stark was a good listener, when he wanted to be. I'm surprised he made no snarky remarks throughout my story.

"I'm sorry. For everything" He said out of no where.

"I'm sorry too"

"Is Alaia mad at you?"

"Yes. But that's not your fault." I sighed

"I can help you win her back"

"No....I think I need to do this on my own."

Sorry for mistakes 💚

Okay serious question....should I even continue this book because I feel like it's not good

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