Part 1

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warnings ; mention of alcohol abuse, mention of death, and idkxwhat else but enjoy:)

The mafia. The most powerful and organized crime group of men, dating back to 1869. They are known for murder, extortion, corrpution of police, gamblingm tax fraud and many other illegal agreements and transcations. You never thought you would ever be in love with anyone who was apart of that corrupt group, but here you were, sitting in a house full of men smoking cigars and drinking a bunch of alcolhol. You were dragged to this house because of your father being one of the men who did all of his dirty work. You hated that your dad was apart of this cult-like gang. He would only bring you to these meetings, to show all the men in the gang that you were off limits and it was also like a 'look out for my daughter,' type of way too. You were the only child. Your mother passed away while giving birth to you, 18 years ago. When your mom passed away, your dad join the mafia to make money to keep you safe and also himself. Your dad would get paid to go out, follow these people who owed money to him, and threaten them a bit, and when they wouldnt pay in the time frame he would give them, he would go out and kill them and hide the bodies with the other members. If those bodies were ever found, your dad would go to jail, but then again, he would get away with it because the cops were in on the mafia in some way, you never understood. Your dad was his right hand man, if he called, your dad would drop anything he was doing to go to whatever job he needed. You tried to convince your dad to just leave the mafia and run away and change your names, but he said they would always find him, so it didnt matter what he would do, they would find him and kill him. So you dealt with the fact that your dad just killed people and got away with it, every time. You hated the guy in charge too. You hated that he made your dad do all his dirty. Like why couldnt he just do it? Why couldnt he get someone else to do it? No, it always had to do your dad. You were pulled from your thoughts when you heard yelling coming from behind the closed door where your dad and that dumb mafia head guy were. You sighed and sat up from the couch fixing your leather jacket. ( The door swang open and your dad and him walked out laughing as he patted your dad's back. You looked at the tall dirty blonde haired man. You stared at his exposed chest, the shirt he was wearing was unbuttoned a bit showing his spider tattoo. ( His hair was pulling back in a small ponytail, gelled back with two strings of hair pulled out to be in front of his face. The shirt he was wearing was hugging his chest loosely. Your eyes roamed to his lower region, his black dress pants hugging against his legs tightly, you could see the outline of his crotch through his pants. As you were studying his body, you were pulled from your thoughts when you heard your dad call your name, "y/n, you ready?" you looked up at your dad then looked at the tall blonde standing next to him, who was already looking at you with lustful eyes, he had a little smirk on his face, he knew you were staring at his body, he could feel your eyes on him the moment he walked out of the room. You stood up fixing your leather jacket again and walked towards him nodding.

"Hello y/n." the blonde said to you when you stood by your dad, smirking.

"Hello, Vinnie." you said his name with no emotion what so ever. You rolled your eyes and didnt look at him facing away from him. You hated him when he said your name. He would drag the last letter out in your name and it was annoying.

"Alright Jeff, I will call you. You both have a goodnight. Bye y/n." he smirked at you as you walked out of the house with your father following behind you. You got into his brand new 2021 midnight blue dodge charger. You loved his car so much, you wanted one of your own, but you loved your 2020 BMW M340. You got your BMW a few months back from when your dad all of sudden got a bunch of money from a hit he did for Vinnie. He brought you the car as a surprise birthday gift for your 18th birthday. As you drove home in the car with your dad, you looked out the window and sighed.

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