Part 10

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warnings: angry sex, degrading, praising, spanking, breeding kink, daddy kink, fluff, oversimulation, oral (male), public sex..?, gun violence, death, language and i think thats it....? maybe...? its long so be prepared.

The next morning you woke up in bed alone again. You sighed and got out of bed and walked out of the room and it was quiet. Too quiet. You were wearing just one of vinnie's shirts that was a dress on you. You walked downstairs and walked to his office and there he was, sitting at his desk with his head on the desk sleeping. You walked over and shook him, "Vinnie, Vin wake up." he snapped up waking up and he looks at you scared.

"A-Are you okay?! Is everything alright?" he stood up and grabbed your arms.

"Yes. Yes Vinnie, im alright. You didnt come to bed last night, i got worried." you pouted.

He sighed and let go of you running his hand through his hair, "I'm sorry princess, i'm just stressed out right now."

"Well, come to bed with me, you know i dont like being alone and i can help you relax, come on." you grabbed his hand and pulled him upstairs as he groans.

"But y/n i have work to do." he follows you upstairs whining and looks up and sees you arent wearing any panties and he smirks, "Are you naked under that?"

You looked back at him and giggled blushing, "Noooo." he went to go grab your waist but you ran away from him running to the other stair case on the other side. He shook his head at you and stood at the other stair case.

"Y/N, im not chasing you around the house, get over here." he glared at you.

"Oh come on! You know you want too!" you smirked and turned around lifting up the shirt until it was right below your cheeks.

"Y/N, dont! Someone could walk in!" he frowned at you as he took one step towards you, but not budging to run after you. You smirked and lifted up your shirt above your ass shaking it for him laughing. "That's it! You asked for it!" he ran after you as you ran down the stairs case giggling.

"No! Stay away! Nooo!" you laughed as you ran to the dining room and stood at the top of the table and Vinnie stopped at the bottom, out of breath.

"Princess, you better stop this right now. Im not chasing you around the house like this." he smiled at you shaking his head. You stood up on the table and took off your shirt and throwing it at Vinnie as it hit him in the face. He threw it on the floor and looked at you. You were wearing a black bralet and a matching black thong. You got off the table and ran towards the kitchen and he ran after you. You bumped into the counter and turned around as Vinnie was right behind you, just a few feet away and he stopped looking at you. "Oh I got you cornered now, dont i princess? There's no way out now." he walked up to you and you giggled as he grabbed your waist attacking your neck with kisses. You bit your lip giggling wrapping your arms around his torso.

"Vinnie?" you heard Jett from behind him and Vinnie's covered your body so Jett couldnt see.

"Yeah Jett?" he looked down at you glaring at you as you looked up at him with innocent eyes.

"The men are here." Jett cleared his throat, "Hi y/n."

You peeked over his shoulder and waved at Jett, "Hi Jett." you giggled as he handed you the shirt. Vinnie was still giving you a death stare as you put your shirt back on. You wiggled out of his grip and walked out of the kitchen, "I'll be upstairs." you ran to the stairs and ran into his room shutting the door giggling.

Vinnie sighed and turned around, "Anyone confess?"

"What do you think? Whoever did it, is not saying anything because they know they are going to die. Would you confess to something like that, knowing you were going to get killed?" Jett sighed, "What do we do?"

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