Part 18

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"Im pregnant..."

"Im sorry youre what now?" Vinnie frowned at you.

"I am pregnant. I have a baby growing inside my belly. Your dick went into my vagina and now we have a baby." you said frowning a bit, "What don't you understand?"

"How you got pregnant is what i don't understand...? I thought you were taking birth control so whats up with that?" he got up from the bed.

"I-I stopped taking it six months ago." you rubbed your face.

"Why would you do that?"

"Because i thought you weren't able to have kids because there would be sometimes i would forget to take it and we would have sex but i wouldnt be pregnant. So i thought maybe you couldn't have kids so i just stopped taking it, but clearly i was wrong so now here we are." you sighed.

"How long have you known?" he looked at you.

"A few weeks. I just didn't know how to tell you so i was waiting for the perfect time to."

"How far along are you?"

"2 months. I went to the doctors yesterday." you looked at him, "The baby is healthy at least."

He sighed and rubbed his head, "What are we going to do y/n?"

"I-I don't know, but all i know is i want to keep it." you looked at him tearing up.

He looked at you and frowned, "Of course we are going to keep it, why the fuck wouldnt we?"

"I don't know, you are making it seem like you don't want it." you sniffled.

"I never said that. I'm just worried for your safety and the babies now. And where is it going to sleep and shit. Its alot to think about y/n." he sat down next to you, "But...i'm going to be here for you every step of the way, i promise."

You nodded and smiled a bit, "Thank you Vinnie, for everything."

"I love you y/n." he kisses your cheek.

"I love you Vinnie."


A few weeks pass and you noticed that Jett was being a little different lately. He wasn't really talking to you, always giving you the cold shoulder. You shrugged it off because maybe he was just having an off day because of the stress from the new shipment of drugs coming in and they always seem to have problems. One night, in the middle of the night you were craving a late night snack. You didn't want to wake up Vinnie so you got out of bed slowly and tipped toed your way down the stairs. You got to the kitchen and saw Jett in the kitchen drinking a bottle of water, "Hey cant sleep either?" you said looking at him. He looked at you and just stared at you blankly. You raised an eyebrow and cocked your head to the side, "Are you alright Jett?"

"You know, before you came along, everything between me and Vinnie were great, then you had to come in and ruin it. Vinnie and I were doing everything together and now he wont even bat an eye at me. You ruined what me and him had." he stepped to the side looking at you.

"Jett what are you talking about? Im confused." you frowned.

"I loved Vinnie and he loved me back then right when he was going to ask me out, you had to step in and take him from me. You stole him from me." he stepped closer to you and you looked down at the shiny object in his hand and noticed it was a knife. You stepped back and put your hands up.

"J-Jett, i dont know what you are talking about. I didn't even know about you and Vinnie." you backed up until your back hit the wall.

"Well, all i need to do is get you out of the picture and he can be all mine again. I can have him all to myself." he stepped closer to you and poked your stomach with the knife and you gasped.

"N-No Jett please! Please don't! I'm pregnant! If you kill me and the baby, Vinnie will never forgive you. If you kill me, you are as good as dead too. You know he loves me so much, he would do anything for me. He will never forgive you for killing me." you were sobbing at this point. You weren't ready to dead, not yet. You were pregnant, Jett wouldn't kill you knowing you were carrying Vinnie's child, "Please Jett, please."

"One rule i learned while being in the mafia y/n, trust no one." Jett stabbed you in the stomach as you gasped loudly and grabbed his wrist and tried pulling it out. He pulled it out and then dropped the knife on the floor in front of you. You dropped to your knees and held your stomach were he had just stabbed you and tried to stop the bleeding.

"Jett! What did you do?!" Jack ran over to you and he kicked the knife away as Jett stood there staring at you bleeding, "Jett you need to get out of here man! If Vinnie finds out you did this, you are dead!" Jett shook his head back to reality and then started to panic. He grabbed his keys and left the house. You coughed up blood then laid down on the ground, "Y/n i called 911 they are on the way. Stay with me." his voice slowly started to fade, your eyes closed slowly, "No y/n stay with me...Y/n..."


Vinnie was waiting in the waiting room of the hospital with Jack. Jack told him everything he saw. Vinnie couldn't believe Jett would do something like this. He sent out all of his men and spread the word around to find Jett. He just didn't want to believe Jett would do something like this. After a few hours, the doctors came out and walked over to Vinnie. Vinnie shook his head and started crying hysterically. He couldn't believe it, he didn't want to believe it. He dropped to his knees as Jack caught him and held him close trying to calm him down. The doctor said something to Jack and he nodded a thank you. How could Jett do this to you? You were nothing but nice and sweet to him. How could he do this to you, to Vinnie? Vinnie was broken. He felt heart breaking into millions of pieces. He couldn't hold himself together anymore, he let everything he had out. Jack was there to help him through this. He was going to get through this, with or without you.



"Hey, you're awake." Vinnie said smiling.

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