Part 3

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warnings: violence, swearing,

He crawled up your body kissing your exposed chest as you moaned, "Please Vinnie touch me!" he bit your neck hard, kissing it all over sucking in some hickeys. You scratched down his back as he slid his hard cock into you, not giving you time to adjust. He start slamming into you hard as you moaned loudly, "Fuck V-Vinnie! Fuck!" he started thrusting at a fast inhuman pace. "oh shit! oh shit!!" you felt a knot forming in your stomach as your orgasm approached but never came. you looked up at him and pulled him into a rough kiss as both of your tongues clashed with each other. "I'm close Vin!"

"Cum babygirl, cum for me!" he reached over to the side of the bed and grabbed his gun off the nightstand table and he pulled back pointing it at you. You looked up at him and saw a flash as he shot the gun at you.

You jumped out of bed and gasped loudly holding your chest and looking around. It was a dream, it was only a dream. You looked at the time and it said 2:30pm. You groaned and laid back down on your bed. You couldn't believe you just had a wet dream about Vinnie. He has never appeared in any of your dreams, until tonight. You needed to get him out of your mind, you had to avoid him at all cost. You got up out of bed as your dad knocked on your door, "y/n?"

You walked over to the door opening it and frowning at him, "what?"

He looks at you, "Oh good you're awake. Vincent is here and he wants to talk to you."

You frown, "Well i don't want to talk to him."

"y/n, put some clothes on and go talk to him, now!" he frowned at you and walked down the stairs. You groaned and decided not to listen to your dad and to just go in your tank top and shorts. You walked into the living room and saw Vinnie sitting on the couch with Jett and your dad was standing behind the couch. Vinnie looked up at you and he frowned.

"Take a seat y/n." he suggested pointing to the chair sofa.

"No im good, ill stand." you crosss your arms on your chest.

He frowned at you and leaned forwards onto his knees and pushed his hair back as a few curls bounce back in his face, "So last night, you disrespected me."

"I didnt do shit to you last night." you spat.

"Shut up!!" he yelled at you and you flinched. He sighed calming himself down, "So last night you disrespected me. I dont like it when people tell me what to do and frankly i dont like the fact that you called me a pussy. I mean, i am what i eat, but thats besides the point." you looked at him and squeezed your legs together, at the thought of him between your legs, eating your pussy out like his life depended on it. Vinnie took noticed of your movement and he smirked, "You dont ever challenge me, on anything. I dont care if you hate me so much that you want to kill me, you dont ever talk to me the way you did. And with actions comes consequences," he stood up and rolled up his sleeves, "because you are a women and i would never hit a women in my life, your dad is going to have to suffer." two of his bodyguards grabs your dad by the arms as he tries to push them off.

"No Vincent you dont have to do this!" your dad pleaded.

"Vinnie stop!" you went to go stop him, but Jett got up and grabbed your waist holding you back. Vinnie put his hair in a ponytail and put on a pair of brass knuckles.

"You know that one of my rules, the first thing i told you Jeff when i hired you, dont disrespect me and we wont have a problem. Now on the other hand, your daughter was the one who did it, so since i cant touch her, you are going to have to take her punishment. And until she apologizes, i wont stop, and trust me i can go all night." Vinnie swung and punched your dad in the face with his brass knuckles.

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