Part 7

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"Why did you pull away? Too much for you to handle?" he smirked at you.

"N-No, you just caught me by surprise." you blushed hard wrapping your arms around his neck pulling him in close, about to kiss him again when Larray walks over and clears his throat. You both look over at him and you pull away from Vinnie blushing.

"Sorry to interrupt you guys, but the guy at the end wants to close his tab and he is yours y/n." he looked at you and pointed at the guy.

You nodded and pulled away from Vinnie walking back behind the bar. You walked over to the guy and smiled, "Sorry about that. Are you all set?"

He nodded and smirked at you, "Do you kiss all your customers like that?" he handed you his card and you took it swiping it in the card reader.

You giggled and shook your head, "Not usually. He is just this guy im talking to." you handed him back his card, and he grabbed your hand pulling it towards his mouth and kissing the back of it. You blushed hard and pulled your hand away smiling.

"Thank you beautiful. Hopefully you move on from that boy and come to a real man." he handed you a $50 bill and winked at you walking out of the club. You took the bill and put it in your tip cup. Two more men came and sat in your section as it started to get busy at the bar again. After a few minutes as more people came to the bar for drinks, you walked over to Vinnie going in front of the bar and looked at him and he looked mad.

"Hey, you want another drink Vin?" you looked at him and he shook his head staying quiet. "Whats wrong?"

"Nothing, go back to flirting with your customers." he spat at you as he slammed his hand on the counter making you jump a little.

"I wasnt flirting with-..." he cut you off by grabbing you by the arm and pulling you close to him and he whispered in your ear, "Dont you dare finish that sentence. Lie to me and you are going to get it."

"B-But Vinnie I wasnt-.." he cut you off again.

"I was watching the whole thing y/n, he grabbed your hand and kissed it and i know you fucking liked it. Is that what you want? You want me to touch you? Are you that touch deprived you need other men to touch you? They could never touch you like i could baby." he whispered in your ear and slid his hand to your waist and pulled you close between his legs as his hand moved to your ass cheek and he squeezed it. You gasped and bit your bottom lip to suppress your moan. "You like that baby? I bet you are so wet right now. Thinking about me between your legs, fucking my tight pussy. You are mine and dont you fucking forget it." he bit a sweet spot on your neck as you blushed biting your lip nodding. "I need words y/n, is that what you want? You want me to make you mine?"

"Y-Yes Vin, make me yours." you gasped when he squeezed your ass again. You pulled away from him and fixed your skirt blushing, "I-I have to get back to work. Do you want another drink yes or no?" you walked back behind the bar looking at him.

He nodded, "I'll just take a water for now." you nodded and handed him a bottle of water and got back to work, making people drinks. The rest of the night, you felt Vinnie's eyes burning in your back as you knew he was watching your every move. As the night slowly died, Kevin walked behind the bar as you were closing out your last customer.

"Y/N, you can cash out, count your tips before you leave. You dont have to help clean up, i have cleaners coming in at 3 in the morning to deep clean this place. Larray, you can stay until 1am, last call at 12:30." you both nodded and you grabbed your tip cups, yes you had 3 full tip cups. You looked at the time and it said 11:30pm. You walked over to the end of the bar putting your cups in front of Vinnie. You grabbed a stool and put it at the entrance of the bar next to Vinnie, blocking the entrance a little. The club was dead, like literally no one was in there besides the one old guy that stayed until last call. You looked at Vinnie as he was staring at you leaning back in his chair.

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