Part 4

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the next morning, you drove to the hospital bright and early at 8 am when visiting hours opened to release your dad from the hospital. you parked your car and walked in, going right up to his room. you walked into his room as he was getting help putting his clothes on by one of the nurses. he looked up at you and got off the bed and sat down in the wheelchair they provided for him. "Finally you showed up." the nurse wheeled him out of the room and to the nurses station.

"Dad they said to come at 8, it's literally 8:05." you sighed.

"So you're five minutes late y/n."

the nurse hands him a clipboard and he signs his name then hands it to you and you sign yours handing it back to the nurse. she pushes him to the elevator and pushes the button to go down.

"So i'm going to talk to Vinnie today." you said as the doors opened and you walked in with your dad and the nurse. she pressed the 1st floor button and your dsd looked at you.

"I thought i told you to stay away from him."

"He wants to talk to me dad. you think i want to be anywhere near him after what he did to you? he told me he wants to talk and you told me i have to listen to what he says." you sighed

"Well dont fuck up anymore than you already have." he said.


When you got home, you helped your dad walk to the couch as he was still sore. He sat down and sighed grabbing the controller and turned on the tv, "You want anything to drink?" you looked at him.

"Yeah get me a beer or whatever is in there." he turned on the news and leaned back on the couch, "And get me and ice pack so i can put it on my back." you nodded and walked into the kitchen grabbing a beer from the fridge and an ice pack walking back over to him handing it off to him.

You looked at the time, 9:45am, "Jett should be here soon."

"Jett is picking you up? Why?" he frowned taking a long sip of his beer and putting the ice pack on his back.

You shrugged, "I dont know, thats what Jett told me. He was picking me up at 10 in the morning." he just shook his head and watched the news.

The door bell rang then came a knock at the door. You walked over to the door and opened it, seeing Jett, "Hey you ready? Vinnie doesnt like to wait." you nodded and grabbed your purse.

"Dad, Jett is here. I'll be back later."

"Bye!" he yelled from the couch.


When you arrived at Vinnie's mansion, Jett parked in the driveway next to the many of cars in it. You got out and followed him to the door. He opened it and you were greeted with a bunch of smoke as there were many man in the house smoking cigars, cigerettes or blunts. It was a mixture of all three and you frowned. Why would someone want to leave in a house with a bunch of men just smoking and talking all day. Seems like it would get annoying. You followed Jett to Vinnie's office. When he opened the door, Vinnie was sitting at his big desk writing stuff down on a notepad as you could see. There was 3 other men in the office smoking cigars. Jett looked at them and they got up and left the room as Jett followed behind them shutting the door behind him, just leaving you and Vinnie in the room. You looked around his office, you had never been in his office before so you were curious. He had a painting behind of him hanging on his hall of a man, maybe his father? You werent sure. You looked around some more and he had a bookshelf with many books on it, but he probably never read it before, just used it for decoration.

Vinnie was the first to break the silent but didnt look up from his notepad, "Take a seat y/n, i dont want to take up all of your time."

You looked at him and walked over to his desk and sat down in one of the chairs in front of his desk. You cleared your throat and looked at him as he was still looking down at his pad. You watched his face as he nose scrunched up when he was trying to remember whatever he was trying to write down. The way his jaw would clench when he would start to write again, getting into deep thoughts. His curls in his face, his chains hanging from his neck, his exposed chest from his button down shirt that was open. He finally finished writing and closed his notepad putting his pen down. He sat back in his chair and looked at you smirking as you shook you head getting out of your thoughts.

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