Part 11

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warnings: mention of death, fluff, mention of violence, crying

a/n: anything bold is them yelling.

Vinnie walks into his room and walks to his closet. You sat up in his bed and looked at him, "Vinnie? Where are you going?" he ignored you and changed into an all, combing his hair back and putting his hat on. He grabbed a black mask and his phone off the nightstand. "Vinnie, where are you going?" you got up off the bed and walked over to him grabbing his hand. He looked at you and pulled his hand away. He walked over to his safe and put in the combination and opened it. He pulled out two guns and put them on the table next to it. He locked up the safe and put one gun in the back of his pants and one in the front. You watched him, terrified. "Vinnie talk to me, what are you doing?" he ignored you and walked out of the room. You followed behind him as he walked down the stairs, "Vinnie whatever you are doing, its not worth it. Please just stop! Talk to me!" you stopped on the steps and stomped your foot, "Vincent Hacker! Talk to me!" he looked up at you from the bottom of the steps frowning at you.

"I found out who killed your father and i found out who killed that girl." he said walking up to you, "So do you want me to handle it or not? You say the word right now, and I will handle it."

"Wh-Who killed him?" you looked up at him tearing up.

"My uncle Tony. He found out that your father sold that guy the drugs that posioned his daughter. They were going to the house to kidnap you, but when you werent there, they tortured and killed your father for revenge for his friend. To cover up the fact that he was here and to not tie him to your fathers death, he came here to torture me and get me to confess on someone giving him the drugs and thats why he killed Luis. So, im going to go kill him now, for your fathers death, Luis' death and for my fucking necklace. I love you okay y/n?" he grabs your cheeks and pulled you close to his face, his forehead resting on yours, "I love you so much, I will come back to you, I promise." he leans down and kisses you softly and you kiss him back putting your hands on his. He pulls away with tears in his eyes, "I love you, I promise I'll be back."

"I love you too." you wiped his tears that started to run down his face. He pulls away from your and walks down the stairs to Jett. you watched as they both left the house. You sat down on the steps and cried. He promised to come back, but will he come back?


You ended up falling asleep in his bed, curled up in a ball with stained tear cheeks. You cried yourself to sleep after he didnt show up after a few hours. It was now 2 in the morning and you were woken up by someone getting into bed behind you. You tensed up and your eyes shot open as you felt cold hands around your waist touching your stomach. "Shh, its okay baby, its me." you relaxed and turned around looking at Vinnie. You shot up in bed and turned on the light on his side of the bed and gasped.

"Vin..." you stared at him as he had a cut across his cheek.

He sighed and rubbed his neck, "Its not as bad as it looks."

"What happened? Its 2 in the morning and why are you so cold?" you rubbed his arms trying to get him warm.

"I'm dead y/n." he looked at you and his eyes were red.

"What?" you looked at him and your eyes widen and you screamed.

You gasped jumping up in bed waking up from your nightmare. You looked at the time and it said 12:42am. You sighed and rubbed your head, "It was just a dream, relax y/n." you said to yourself. You heard the door open downstairs and people yelling. You got up out of bed and walked out the room. You walked to the top of the steps and saw Jett and another guy carrying Vinnie into the house.

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