Part 17

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A couple of days past and you weren't feeling yourself. you were waking up with random headache and body aches. your boobs were getting tender but you figured it was because your period was coming. you were laying in bed before work, you felt this rush of chills go through your body and you got up running to the bathroom and throwing up in the toilet. this was normal for you though. before you got your period, you would throw up randomly because your body was weird like that. you flushed the toilet then walked out of the bathroom feeling a lot better. no headache or tender boobs. you looked at vinnie who was sleeping on the bed. you walked over and poked his chest, "Vin? Vinnie, i'm going to work." he groaned and nodded turning over his back facing you. "i love you i'll see you later." he nodded as you walked out of the room.


at work you felt like absolute shit. you felt awful, disgusting. you were sitting in the back of the bar with her head between your legs.

"Are you sure you are alright y/n?" nai said as she rubbed your back.

"Yeah it's just my period, it starts tomorrow and it fucking hurts bro." you groaned rubbing your head.

"Why don't you just go home? me and Ashley got this." she said.

"No i need the money i'll be fine." you sat up and she looked at you and you were pale and sweating.

"Are you pregnant?" she questioned.

your eyes widen, "What?! No!"

"Well, do you guys use protection during sex?"

"No, but i'm on birth control so i'll be fine. it's just cramps from my period." you frowned.

"Tender breast, morning sickness, pale skin, random sweating. no girl you are pregnant." she chuckled shaking her head, "when was the last time you took your pill."

"Uhhhh, this morning." you lied, you haven't taken your birth control pills for 6 months.

"That's why you are feeling like shit. you are trying to kill your baby girl." she giggled, jokingly.

"shut up Nailea i'm not pregnant."

"When was the last time you had sex?"

"A few days ago i don't remember."

"when was your last period?"

"two weeks before larrays party."

"your pregnant."





"you want me to take a test to prove it?"

she nodded, "Yes i do, ill go buy one. i'll be back." she left and came back after a few minutes and helped you up. "let's go." you followed her to the bathroom and she pushes you into a stall and you sit on the toilet peeing on the stick.

"this is so weird!!" you groaned and cleaned yourself up and walked out of the stall.

"it says we need to wait 10 minutes." you placed the test on the counter and you both waited.

after 10 minutes, she grabbed the test and gasped looking at it, "What Nailea? Dude fuck off! what does it say?"

she turned it towards you and smirks, "Negative bitch."

you shook your head, "fucking bitch. see i told you i'm not pregnant. it's my period i swear."

"we'll be careful more, even though you are on the pill, there's that .01% you could get pregnant."

"yeah i know." you sighed. "if i was still on the pill."

"you're not? you just said you were." she frowns.

"Fuck, i think i'm pregnant..." you shook your head.

"when was the last time you took your pill?"

"six months ago." you looked at her.

"SIX MONTHS?! Y/N! you need to be careful!!" she hits your arm. you sighed and nodded.

"Vinnie never uses condoms, i thought that maybe it's because he can't have kids that's why i stopped using birth control."

"never assume y/n." she shook her head.

"but it's fine, i'm not pregnant. i know i'm not, i had my period four weeks ago, so it's fine."


a couple more days go by and your symptoms started to get worse. you were waking up and running straight to the bathroom to throw up. you tried to hide it from Vinnie and just said it was bad food you ate and he just brushed it off. one day, while vinnie was out with jett, you decided to buy two pregnancy test, just in case one was defective. you sat in the bathroom of your shared room and took both tests and put them on the counters and waited. after a few minutes you looked at both of the tests and gasped looking away, "No..." You looked at both of them picking up, your hands shaking. you started to tear up as you placed them both back down on the counter. 'Positive', they both read. you couldn't believe it. was the first one you took a couple of days ago, a false negative?  you couldn't believe that, so you took two more different tests and waited. you looked at those two tests and they read, positive.
you took a picture of all four tests and sent them to Nai. you sat down on the toilet and ran your hands through your hair. you jumped when you heard the front door open and shut. you grabbed all four tests and the empty boxes and ran to your room hiding them in the back of your closet in a shoe box. you heard foot steps approaching the room and you ran to the bed laying down on it. you grabbed your phone and read Naileas text messages

see i told you!!
ohmygod! i'm gonna be an aunt!
have you told Vinnie yet? does he know?

i don't know what to do
and no i haven't told Vin yet
i'm scared i don't know what he will say.

the door to the bedroom open and you sat up looking at Vinnie. you smiled at him as he smiled back, "Hey you're awake. i got you some things to make you feel better. i know you haven't been feeling good so i got you some stuff." he walked over to you with bags of snacks and things.

"Oh thank you baby you didn't have to." you smiled as he handed you the bags and you opened it up and it was a bunch of snacks and candy.


A few weeks go by and you still havent told Vinnie about you being pregnant, but you had one problem. Your belly was starting to show and you could tell you were pregnant. You slowly stopped having sex with Vinnie, in fear that he would find out you were pregnant that way and thats not how you wanted to tell him. You started to dress differently to and he took noticed to this. You started wearing baggy clothes, you wouldnt let him wrap his arms around you. He knew something was up and he needed to find out. One day, you were sitting on the bed in your shared room when Vinnie walked in. perfect, he could confront you about your behavoir and no one would interrupt you both. "Hey princess." he walked over to you and kissed you cheek, "We need to talk." he sat down on the side of you and you put your phone down looking at him.

"Sure baby whats up?" you smiled at him.

"Whats been up with you these past couple of weeks? You never let me touch you anymore, we havent had sex in weeks, not that that should matter but still, its been a while, and you have been wearing pretty much all of my shirts, so whats the problem? Are you sleeping with someone else? Am i not good enough for you anymore?" he rambled on and you shushed him and looked up at him.

"I'm pregnant..."

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