Part 8

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warnings: fluff :)

You woke up the next morning, wrapped up in Vinnie's bed. You turned around and tried to feel around for him, but he wasnt there. You whined and sat up covering yourself with the sheets in case someone walked in. You looked around and got off the bed wrapping yourself in the sheets so it covered your naked body as you slowly walked over to the window pulling back the curtains. The sun was out and you winced a little at the light shining in your eyes. You looked out and saw his driveway now filled with people and cars. You sighed, you wanted it to just be you and Vinnie today. No distractions, no interruptions, just you and him cuddling in bed together. You closed the curtain and walked back to the bed getting back in it and grabbed your phone scrolling through tiktok. After a few minutes, your stomach started to growl because you were hungry. You got out of his bed and walked to his closet wrapping one of his sweaters, putting it in as it hung below your butt, looking like a dress on you. You walked out of his room, shutting the door slowly, walking down the hallway and to the stairs. You stood at the top of the stair case and looked down at all the men in his house smoking and drinking and talking. You sighed, you just wanted peace and quiet today, but oh well. You were just going to go get food from the kitchen and bring it back up to his room and stay in there away from everyone. You walked downstairs, no one noticing you. Good because you were pretty much naked under the sweater. You walked past Vinnie's office and saw the door was open. You walked over and saw him sitting at his desk, typing on his computer. You smiled at him and walked into the room knocking on the door. He looked up at you and smiled then frowned, "Shut the door." you walked in then shut the door behind you walking over to him at his desk, "Good morning baby." he smiled at you turning in his chair and pulling you onto his lap as you straddled him. You smiled and laid your head on his shoulder cuddling him.

"Morning, why werent you in bed when i woke up?" you pouted. He rubbed your back, kissing your head.

"I'm sorry princess, I told Jett last night i didnt want anyone here today, but no one listened to him so they all showed up this morning. I didnt want them to wake you up, so i just came down here to get them to shut up. I told them they all have to leave soon anyways. They have about 20 minutes left. Once everyone leaves, we can go cuddle and watch movies if you want." he smiled as you nodded your head cuddling him.

"Can I just stay like this? I dont want to get up." you pouted again.

"Yes you can stay like that. Im just going to be on my computer." he smiled and went back to looking on his computer. You closed your eyes and cuddled him wrapping your arms around his torso. After a few minutes, you ended up falling asleep on his lap. You let out soft whimpers and snores as Vinnie took noticed that you fell asleep. He smiled at you and kissed your head. He texted Jett and told him to tell anyone to leave now and to let him know when the house was empty. A few more minutes go back and Jett texted back saying the house was empty. Vinnie got up and held you up on me and carried you out of the room and upstairs to his bedroom. Once he got to the room, he closed the door behind him and walked over to his bed and laid you down on it. He pulled your arms off of him and pulled the sheets over you as you turned onto your belly and cuddled the pillows, still sleeping. He smiled at you and got undressed until he was just in his boxers and got into bed on the side of you. He turned you around so you were facing him and he pulled you onto his chest letting you cuddle him. He rubbed your back and turned on the tv, putting it on the lowest volume to not wake you up, as he put on a random tv show to watch, until you woke up.


You woke up a few hours later, due to the fact that your stomach growled and you were still hungry. You looked up and saw Vinnie was asleep with you on his chest. You looked at the time and it said 10:20am. You pouted, you were hungry but you were to lazy to get up to get yourself food. You started to poke at Vinnie's cheeks, "Vin.." poke "Vin.." poke "Vinniieee." he groaned and woke up looking down at you and then closed his eyes again cuddling you.

"Whats wrong princess?" he said sleepily.

"I-I'm hungry.." you pouted.

"Okay, what do you want to eat?" he yawned and rubbed his eyes.

"Do you have waffles?" he nodded and sat up in bed running his hand through his hair.

"I'll go get you some, you want anything to drink?" he yawned getting out of bed.

"I'll take a water. Thank you Vinnie." you smiled as you watched him walk out of the room. You cuddled the blankets and waited for him to come back. After a few minutes, he came back with a plate of waffles and a water bottle. You sat up in bed as he handed you the plate and bottle, "Thank you Vin." you started to eat the food. Vinnie got back into bed on the side of you and he closed his eyes laying on his back next to you, "Oh shit, I forgot. I have work tonight." you sighed groaning.

"No, call out. Tell Kevin you cant come in. I wanna spend the night with you y/n, please." he opened his eyes and looked at you as you looked back at him.

"But, he is going to be mad at me." you pouted.

"Who cares? Please I wanna watch movies and cuddle today." he rubbed your back.

"Okay fine, ill call out." you grabbed your phone and qucikly texted Kevin telling him you werent coming in today because you were sick. You finished your food and put your plate and bottle on the side table then crawled back to Vinnie and cuddled his chest, "I wanna watch a scary movie." you smiled.

"Which one?" he grabbed the controller turning the tv back on.


The rest of the day, you and Vinnie spent it together, watching movies, cuddling, making out a few times. It started to get dark again, which meant you had to head home at some point, you need to get back home before your dad thought something happened to you. But what was weird was he didnt call or text you all day, to see where you were which was odd for him, but you figured that Vinnie must have told him you slept over. When the last movie you watched ended, you phone started to ring. You answered it, "Hello?"

"Y/n?! Its Frank, I've been trying to get a hold of your dad. He hasnt been answering me. Are you with him?" Frank was your dad's best friend and also another one of Vinnie's body guards.

"No, im not. Im at Vinnie's house. Did you try and go into the house?" you sat up.

"Yeah but theres no car in the driveway. And i dont have the keys, can you meet me here?"

"Yeah, I'll be there in ten mintues." you hung up the phone and looked at Vinnies, "Can Jett give me a ride home?" he nodded.


When Jett pulled into your driveway, Frank was standing outside the door. You got out of the car and walked to the door, "Are you sure he is not out doing something for Vinnie?"

"No y/n, he hasnt answered me all day. Something is wrong." Frank said. You unlocked the door and walked in, something was off. All the lights were on in the house, your dad never left the lights on, ever. You and Frank walked into the living room and you gasped as you saw your dad in the middle of the living room.......

a/n: heheheheheheehheehhehahhahhahhahah

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