Part 9

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Warnings: death, blood, mental breakdown, crying, mention of drug overdose, language, mention of death.

a/n; just wanted to give a shout-out to for give me the idea for this chapter, i was hesitant about what to do and she helped me. go follow her on here and on wattpad, her username is the same. okay thanks enjoy!!

You watched as everyone walked past your dad laying in his casket, saying there prayers and goodbyes to him. You sat there staring blankly into nothingness. You lost both of your parents now. You were an orphan. You had no one. You hadnt spoken to anyone in days, not even Vinnie. You havent said not two words since that day. You were mute, only giving out hand signals when you wanted something. You were done crying, you wanted this day to be over so you can find out who did this to your father. Who would do something like this. Vinnie walked over to you and sat down next to you rubbing your back, whispering in your ear, "It's time to move him to the graveyard y/n. Me, Jett, Frank, and your dads brothers are going to carry him to the van okay?" you didnt say anything, you didnt want to move. He sighed and stood up as everyone left the funeral home, the only people left were, you, Vinnie, Jett, Frank, and your uncles.

"Vincent, we need to find out who did this. And once we do, i'm not holding back, thats for damn sure." Frank said as he sat down in one of the chairs across from you.

"I know, I want to find out just as much as you do. I have some of my guys asking around, see if they can get any word from the streets." Vinnie sighed rubbing his neck.

The funeral home guy walks out, "Are you guys ready to move him?" Vinnie looked at him then at you.

"Y/N, can we move him now?" you looked at him blankly and got up from your chair and walked out of the funeral home and walked over to the car that was driving you to the graveyard. Vinnie sighed as he watched you leave and he nodded his head. They all went to either side, three on one and three on the other. They closed the casket and all lifted your dad up and carried him outside slowly to the van that was waiting to bring them. You sat in the car waiting. Once they placed him into the van, Vinnie, Jett and Frank got into the car with you, Vinnie sitting next to you. You pushed towards the window and looked out it as you started to move. You started to think back on that day you found your father in the living room, dead.

You and frank walked into the living room and you gasped as you saw your dad in the middle of the living room, dead. He was tied to a chair, no shirt on, big long marks going down his chest to his stomach, he had a gag in his mouth, blood running down from his neck as someone cut his neck opening letting him bleed to death. You walked over to his lifeless body and started to crying hysterically falling to your knees running your hands through your hair, "No no no no! This cant be real! He isnt dead right now! Oh my god! Please tell me this isnt real!" Frank walked over to you and helped you up walking you out of the house. Jett was standing by the door outside and he looked at you both as you continued to cry, covered in your dads blood.

"What's going on?! What happened?!" Jett said.

"Call 911, Jeff is dead." Frank said as he held you close to him, you were breaking down crying. You couldnt believe he was dead. There was no way you just found him like that. You couldnt believe that you found him dead in your own living room. You sat down on the steps as red and blue lights flashed down your street.

"Hey! Let me through, thats my girlfriend's house!" you heard Vinnie say to one of the officers that had blocked off the street. They let him through as he ran up to you and Jett. Frank was talking to the police. You looked down at your hands as they were covered in blood from when you fell to the floor. You had stopped crying after a while, going emotionless. All this pain and suffering taking over and you completely shut down. Vinnie got down on his knees in front of you and lifted up your chin, making you look at him. Your eyes were red and full of pain, your cheeks stained with tears and mascara, you looked broken.

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