Part 15

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"Did you enjoy the show?"

Vinnie smirked as you turned over laying on your back then sitting up, looking at him confused, "What?" you looked at the person at the door and blushed hard covering yourself with the sheets, "Were you watching the whole time?"

"No, but i'm not sure why Vinnie invited me...?" Liam looked between the both you.

"Oh right i need that gun back that i gave you, i have a better one for you." Vinnie puts on his boxers and gets out of bed. you blushed and covered yourself with the sheets. vinnie put his hair in a small ponytail and walked over to his gun safe. Liam followed him and placed the gun on the table. Liam looked over at you and shook his head. you frowned at him, and then smirked. you wanted to get liam mad and you wanted him to know who fucked you better. you made you cum every night.

"Hey baby when you get a second i have to ask you a question." you looked at Vinnies back.

he nodded and opened the safe. he took out a gold medal Beretta M9 and handed it to Liam, "It's not load, you can ask my buddy down at the gun shop on route 3 that Vinnie sent you and you need bullets for that. he will hook you up." he took back the other gun and put it in the safe locking it.

liam nodded and put the gun in his back pocket, "thanks man, i'll see you tomorrow." he walked towards the door as Vinnie looked over at you.

"What's up baby?" he smiled at you walking back towards the bed.

"Can we go another round? i'm still feeling horny daddy." you smirked at him.

"Oh yeah?" he got on the bed getting between you legs, "you gonna be a good girl and let daddy fuck you right?" he smirked pulling the covers off of you. you looked over at liam who was standing at the door about to close it, he looked up at you frowning. you looked back at Vinnie smirking.

"Fuck me daddy." you giggled as vinnie attacked your neck with kisses as liam shut the door walking away.


You woke up the next morning and turned around meeting with Vinnie's chest. You cuddled him close kissing his chest, he was still sleeping. You smiled and pulled away from him slowly, his arms falling off your body as you got off the bed grabbing his white button down shirt putting it on and buttoning it up. You walked downstairs to the kitchen and looked in the fridge for food. You heard someone walking into the kitchen. You shut the door to the fridge and looked at Jett and smiled, "Good morning Jett. you want anything to eat? Im making eggs and pan-..." you were cut off by Liam walking in behind him. You gulped as Jett walked pasted you and nodded.

"Yeah i'll take some pancakes y/n." he grabbed a bottle of water and handed it to Liam. You turned back to the fridge and took out the food and put it on the counter. You tried to ignore Liam but as Jett walked out, Liam stayed in the kitchen with you. You felt his eyes burning in your back as you started to cook food.

"Does he fuck you like i do?" liam smirked.

You flipped him off and continued to cook.

"Oh come on Lilly, you know no one can make you cum like i can. You know that shirt is see through right? You still have a phat ass." he smirked and came up behind you pushing you against the counter as you felt his hard on against your ass. You pushed him away and slapped him in the face.

"Dont fucking touch me! Get out!" you started to tear up, "Get! The! Fuck! Out!"

"Hey! Hey! What the fuck is going on in here?!" Jett walked in and looked at both of you then notices your tears on your cheeks, "Y/N whats going on? Are you okay?"

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