Part 19

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"Hey, you're awake." Vinnie said smiling, "Now i know what you are thinking? how did you end up in the hospital? actually it's a crazy story and i'll tell you what happened. So after you stabbed y/n and ran off, jack had just put a new tracker in your car so i could see where you went. Funny thing is, you've been going to go see Los Zetas ever since my uncle died. so then i started to question, why? why would you out of all people, go and visit my uncles old gang? Then i got some intel from the guys over there and they said you've been feeding them information about my next move on my drugs coming in!" he chuckled, "it's crazy to me how you out of all people, the one person i trusted the most with everything would go behind my fucking back and give my competition my drug intel." he shook his head chuckling, "God, you are so stupid Jett. and then after everything i've done for you, taking you in after your parents died, taking you under my wing, you go and kill my girlfriend. the one person that made me happy, you killed her. you stabbed her and killed her and my fucking unborn child."

Jett looked at him and he was shaking. he was in bad shape, two black eyes, bandages on his nose,  his arms and feet were tied to the bed, he looked around and saw he was in Vinnies basement tied to a hospital bed, "V-Vinnie I-I..." Vinnie interrupted him by stabbed him in the leg. he screamed and groaned.

"One rule Jett, one rule. Don't fuck with me and now look at you. Helpless and worthless." he pulled the knife out and stabbed his other leg as jett yelped in pain, tears rolling down his face. "i didn't think it would come down to this, but you leave me no choice. an eye for an eye my friend." he pulls the knife out and jett breathes heavily sobbing.

"P-Please Vinnie! I-I'm s-so-sorry!" he looked at him with pleading eyes. "I-Im sorry Vinnie! Please don't do t-this!"

"It's to late for apologies, you made your bed, now you have to lay in it." Vinnie takes the knife and stabs him in the stomach. Jett coughs up blood and groans.

"Vin-Vinnie please!" he gasps for air, "Please don't!" Vinnie twists the knife in him and pushes it in deeper. Jett gasps again for air as Vinnie pulls the knife out. Jett coughs up blood as he is bleeding out.

"I trusted you Jett and you failed me. Now you have to pay the price." Vinnie grabbed his gun by the bed and shot Jett in the heart twice. Jett died instantly, his body going limp in the bed. Vinnie had no emotions on his face. he just killed his best friend. He grabbed a towel and wiped the blood off of his face and hands. he walked upstairs putting the gun in his back pocket. He opened the door and looked at Jack, "Get rid of the body and the hospital bed. The trash company will be here soon. Tell them to take everything." he put his leather jacket on and his sunglasses. "I'll call you when we land." he walked to the door and grabbed his duffle bag and walked out to the taxi cab that was waiting for him. he put the bag in the backseat and got in the back as the taxi drove off.


Vinnie was waiting at the plane terminal. He had his duffle bag on the chairs as he was looking around for someone. He sighed and looked down at his phone, 'no new text messages'. He ran his hand through his hair until he felt a hand tap his shoulder. He turned around and smiled big, "You made it. How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine." you said as you smiled at him.

"I'm sorry about you losing the baby, i wish i could have stopped him." he sighed looking down.

"Its fine baby we didn't know he was going to do that, but we are together now." you smiled a little. When Jett stabbed you in the stomach, he cut the umbilical core which killed the baby instantly because that is the source of the all the food and air the baby needs. When you were rushed to the hospital, they had to remove the baby from your stomach from the wound that was created. You survived but sadly your baby didn't.


After they stitched you up and gave you pain medicine, you turned the nurse and asked her to send in your friend Jack who brought you to the hospital. Jack walked in and you looked at him, "I need a favor Jack."

"Yeah sure anything y/n." he nodded.

You got up and started getting dressed in your normal clothes, "I need help to fake my death." you turned and looked at him.

"Okay, how can i help?" he nodded.

"I just paid the doctor to go and tell Vinnie that me and the baby died. I need Vinnie to believe it long enough for my plan to work." You put on Jack's hoodie that he handed to you to cover your blood stained shirt, "I'm going to a safe house, ill send you the address from a burner phone. This plan needs to work in order to get me and Vinnie out of here safely."


After Vinnie was told you and the baby passed, he was broken. Completely broken. He lost you and the baby forever. Jack brought Vinnie home and helped him upstairs as he was still a broken crying mess. He laid him in bed and Vinnie passed out because he was so tired from crying. Jack walked out of the room as his phone rang, he answered it, "Hello?"

"Hey its y/n. Are you at the house yet?"

"Yeah Vinnie just got into bed."

"Okay good. I need you to go into the spare bedroom down the hall. In the closet is a shoebox, it has a note for Vinnie and his passport and a bunch of cash and fake ids. I need you to give that to him when he wakes up." Jack did exactly that and looked at the stuff in the box.

"When did you have all of this planned?"

"I've had this planned for months, just in case something were to happened to either one of us, i knew we would have an escape plan. Vinnie doesn't know about it, but you have to have him read the note, then tell him to meet me at the airport tomorrow night at 9:30pm, thats when our flight leaves."

"Where are you guys going?" he sighed.

"The less you know the better. It doesn't matter where we are going, all that matters is me and Vinnie need to leave before they find out i faked my death."

"Who's they? Y/N whats going on?" he frowned.

"Jett was working for Los Zetas, getting intel back to them about Vinnie's drug shipments. You know once Vinnie finds Jett, he is going to torture and kill him even though he will know that i am alive, but he needs to get rid of Jett."

"Still doesnt explain why you need to fake your death."

"Because, im the one who found out that Jett was going back and forth from Los Zetas. One of the members saw me, i know he saw me. So if they find out that im alive and Jett died for nothing, they are going to come after me and Vinnie. So please, I need you to give him that box."

"Okay okay, ill give him that box."

"Thank you Jack. Ill talk to you soon."

~End flashback~

"Attention everyone, flight 2439 to Sydney, Australia is boarding now, please make your way to gate 12." they announced over the intercom.

"Thats us baby." Vinnie smiled as he grabbed your hand in one hand and his duffle bag in the other. You smiled holding his hand and followed him as you both boarded the plane. Once you found your seats and he put your bag and his bag in the over head compartment , he sat down next to you and kissed your cheek, "Finally, we can get some peace and quiet."

"I know, we can finally relax and not have to look over our shoulders anymore. We can actually enjoy life, maybe start a family again." you grabbed his hand smiling. You leaned in and kissed him as he kissed you back.

He pulled away and rested his forehead on yours looking in your eyes, "I am so happy im with you. I love you so much y/n."

You looked back into his and smiled, "I love you so much Vinnie." as the plane took off, you both sighed in relief. Your lives were changing for the better. No one killing, no one fighting, just you and Vinnie together. Living happy lives with each other. Not having to worry about anything anymore. You've been waiting for this moment, a moment of peace.

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