Part 13

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warnings: fluff, choking, slapping kink, spitting kink, daddy kink, gun, mention of sex.

a/n: feedback would be nice<333

"i finally got you right where i want you."

"N-No no no, Liam please." you started to tear up as he stepped closer to you, "No please Liam. What about Ava? Where is she?" you moved to the side and backed up against the wall as he stepped right in front of you. you started to shake, scared for you life as he reached up and touched your cheek with the back of his hand. you flinched and shut your eyes turning your head away, "Please Liam." you whispered softly as tears started to fall down your cheeks.

"We can finally be together again. you ran away from me once, i can't lose you again. i love you Lilly." he grabbed your chin with his thumb and pointer finger turning you towards him and he kisses your lips softly. you don't kiss back and try to turn your head away but he keeps you there.

"Please Liam, just let me go." you whispered against his lips. He hit the wall behind you near your head and looked at you frowning.

"Look at me Lilly!" you shook your head keeping your eyes shut. He grabbed your jaw turning your head to him, "Look at me!!" you started to cry then the door to the break room swung open.

"Y/n? Hey, your tables are waiting for you. you can make out with your boyfriend later let's go!" Kevin, your manager said as he walked out. you pushes away from Liam and wiped your face walking fast out of the break room. Liam hit the wall sighing. you walked to the bar and looked at larray terrified. he looked at you and walked over to you.

"Y/N you okay?" he rubbed your arm and you shook you head.

"Liam is here. H-He cornered me in the break room. I-I don't know how he found me." you looked around to see if he followed you or if he was around. Liam was your ex boyfriend, well crazy psycho ex boyfriend. he stalked you for months and when uou finally gave him a chance, he turned crazy on you one day. you couldn't take it anymore so you have to move and change your name so he couldn't find you, until today. it had been 2 years since you left him and you couldn't believe he found you after all that time. Your name was Lilly but changed it to y/n, so he couldn't find you on any social media.

Larray hands you a tray with drinks, "Listen, just keep working okay? if i see him i'll have security kick him out okay? these drinks are for Vinnie's table."

you nodded and took the tray walking over to Vinnies private table. you handed everyone their drinks then looked at Vinnie who was staring at you. you handed him his drink and he grabbed your wrist, "Are you okay? What happened? you said 10 minutes."

you nodded, "Y-Yeah sorry, that time of the month. my stomach has been bothering me." you lied but sent him a reassuring smile. he nodded and pulled you down to him kissing you, you kissed back. you pulled away, "I'll be back in a bit." you walked to your other tables and continued to work.


after a few minutes, you walked back over to Vinnies table and cleaned up some of the empty glasses. you looked up and almost dropped one of the cups. sitting next to Vinnie was someone you thought you would never see sitting next to him. Liam. He looked right at you and smirked. You looked at Vinnie and he was talking to Jett. you went to go grab the cup in front of Liam and he grabbed your wrist and you froze. you looked up at him gulping, "I'm not done with that honey." Vinnie looked over at you as liam's grip on your hand got tighter. You let go of the cup and he let go of your wrist. you pulled your hand away quickly and nodded.

"Sorry, can i get you guys anything else?" you looked at Vinnie and he shook his head.

"No babe i'm good, what time are you off?" he looked at you.

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