Part 6

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"How did you find me?" you looked over at the person sitting next to you and sighed resting your head on your knees, looking at them.

"I saw you leaving Vinnie's house. i followed you here. do you always come here or did you just get lost in the mist of things?" Jett said as he looked out to the city of lights.

you looked back out at the view of the city, "My dad used to take me here when i was younger. said this was my moms favorite place to come when she wanted to clear her head. this is where they made love for the first time and where my dad asked my mom to marry him. it's like your classic love story." Jett nodded and you both at there in silence.

He was the first to break the silence, "So Vinnie told me what happened. Don't get upset with him. that girl, she's obsessed with Vinnie. has been trying to for years to get Vinnie to date her but he just denies her every time. you have nothing to worry about so just get out of your head."

you sigh and shake your head, "No, i'm over him. he didn't even try to push her off. it was like he was enjoying it."

"He wasn't, trust me. Her father is his drug trafficer. He is the one who ships Vnnie the drugs. Again, shes been trying for years to get with Vinnie. Please, give him a chance to explain." he looked at you.

"I already gave him a chance to prove himself. To prove he is this nice person everyone says he is, but he just showed today, that even if girls throw themselves, like literally throw themselves at him, he wouldnt even flinch. He didnt even push her away, Jett. how can i trust him now and we arent even together, then when we are together? I shouldve never given him a chance. He had one and he ruined it. Its not my fault." you sighed and stared out into the city lights. It started to get dark as the sun was setting.

"If i cant convince you to give him another chance, then i guess ill just go then. But just please consider it y/n? He really likes you and would do anything for you." he pats your shoulder and stands up, "And dont stay out here all night, coyotes like to walk around here at night." he walked back to his car and drove off. You sat there for another hour just thinking. Maybe you should just give me a chance to explain himself, as to why he didnt move her. You got up and stretched out your arms and legs and walked to your car door getting in. you looked at the time and realized you had to be at work in two hours. You sighed and drove home to get ready. You phone started to ring, you took it out of your pocket and answered it, "Hello?"

"Y/N?! Finally you answered! I have been trying to call you for hours!" Nai said.

"Sorry, i didnt have my phone on me. Whats up?" you pulled into your driveway and parked the car.

"We are slammed at work! Kevin needs you to come in early! When can you get here?!"

"I just got home. I can be there in 20 minutes." you got out of the car and walked to the door.

"Alright ill let him home. Bye love you!" she hung up and you walked into the house. You were to busy on the phone you didnt see the person in front of you, and bumped into their back.

"Woah, shit sorry." you looked up as the person turned around, it was Vinnie. You blushed and looked at your dad who was standing in front of him.

"Where were you? And why werent you answering your phone? Vinnie came here looking for you saying you just drove off from his house and werent answering anyone." your dad frowned at you as you walked past them both.

"None of your business where I was. Not like either one of you cares about me anyways." you walked to the stairs as you felt someone grab your wrist stopping you. You turned and saw Vinnie looking up at you.

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