Part 5

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a/n: anything in bold is someone yelling i just didnt want to put it in all caps looks weird. Also i would like to give credit to @vhackerrrs-wifey for giving me the idea to add a little jealously in this part, it was a little boring due to the fact that not much happened so i need some help. Hope you guys enjoy:)

...your lips about to touch, you were both leaning in, when the door to your house swings open. You both pulled away so fast and looked at your dad so was standing there staring at you both blankly.

"What the..-" you cut him off by pushing him in the house and you turn around looking at Vinnie blushing hard.

"I'll talk to you later, have a goodnight." you said smiling as he waved back to you and you shut the door. You turned to your dad and blushed hard as he was staring at you. "What?"

"Did you kiss him?! Did he kiss you!?" he looked mad.

"No, you opened the door too fast." you said softly looking down getting shy and embarrassed.

"Y/N! Stay away from him! He is bad news!" he frowned at you.

"First you tell me to give him a chance and now you want me to stay away? You need to make up your mind dad." you frowned and walked past him.

"You cant date a Mafia leader, y/n are you crazy? Do you know what it would be like if you did?!" he followed you as you walked into the kitchen.

"No, i dont but i guess we will just have to wait and see." you grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and looked at him.

"You are not going to date him y/n, you cant." he frowned.

"Says you. I can date whoever i want. You have no say in it." you walked to the stairs. He sighed, knowing you were right. You were 18 now, you made your own decisions. He couldnt stop you from dating Vinnie. "Goodnight dad." you walked to your room and shut the door.


You woke up the next morning and your phone kept ringing. You grabbed your phone and saw Nai was calling you. You groaned and answered it, "Bitch why are you calling me?!"

"Bitch! Why didnt you tell me you went out on a date with Vinnie fucking Hacker! And why didnt you tell me or Larray about this!? We had to find out via Twitter!!" she screamed into the phone. You groaned and sat up in bed, rubbing your eyes.

"How did you find out on Twitter?" you frowned.

"It's all over twitter, 'Mystery Girl goes out with Mafia Leader, Vinnie Hacker, last night at a fancy restaurant. New girlfriend, or new investor?' what?! Did you not think we would find out?" she said.

"Nailea, we went out to dinner because it was his way of giving me his forgiveness. He beat the shit out of my dad because i gave him attitude the other night. Thats all it was. I was going to text you about it last night but i didnt because i fell asleep as soon as i got home." you sighed and got up walking to your bathroom.

"Well, i would appreciate a call next time. Anyways, tonight youre working 6pm to 2am right?" she asked.

"Yeah I am, why?" you turned on the shower.

"Okay, well can you switch with me tonight? I dont feel like bartending tonight. Its Saturday and I hate doing it on Saturdays." she whined.

"Yeah thats fine and what do you mean, Saturdays are the best nights, you get more tips at the bar." you said frowning getting undressed.

"Well, I want to switch because this guy that I really like, his name is Hub, is coming tonight and he is getting a private table and i want to serve him. He tips very well, and i think he might ask me for my number tonight." she said softly getting slightly shy.

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