Part 16

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warning; smut, gun violence, death

Vinnie POV

I heard the shot and ran towards her. i grabbed her before she could fall to the floor. "Y/n?!" i heard another shot then i looked up and saw Liam fall to the floor. i pulled her out of the kitchen and i stood her up as she groaned holding her back.

"Yo what the fuck? why does it hurt?!" she looked up at me and i lifted up her shirt and rubbed the bruise that was forming.

i smirked and looked at her, "Fake bullets. i knew that fucker was going to try some shit." i shook my head as she looked at me. Jett walked over to us and i looked at him.

"i have him zip tied to the fridge. what do we do with him now?"

"take him down to the basement, i'll figure it out later." i said as i looked at y/n, "Come on, i'll get you an ice pack." i sat her down on the couch and walked into the kitchen and helped Jett carrying Liam downstairs to the basement.

y/n pov

you sat down on the couch and groaned rubbing your back as Vinnie came back with an ice pack. He put it on your back and you sighed, "Thank you." you looked at him, "So what are you going to do with Liam?"

"For right now, nothing. But i do have a question for you, why didnt you tell me about him? You know i find out everything right?" he frowned at you.

"What do you mean?" you looked confused.

"Stop playing stupid with me y/n. Jett and I knew about you and Liam, way before you even told him. I know your name is actually Lilly Blanco, i know about how your mother died, i know about how Liam was a creeper and stalked you. I know about how he...he raped you when you were at that party and thats why you broke up with him and changed your name and you moved away." he looked at you as you started to tear up.

"H-How do you know about this?" you looked away from him.

"Your father confessed this to me. When i hired him, i asked him what his biggest regret was. And he said it was when he let you go to that party and you got raped. He told me everything that happened. When i met Liam that night at the club, i knew i needed to get back at him. I told him i trusted him, gave him a gun with fake bullets in it just in case he was to pull something like this, at least you would still be alive." he looked at you, "I dont know what i am going to do with him yet. I might just torture him enough that he wants to kill himself. I dont know but im keeping him here."

You looked at him, "I want to help. I want him to suffer."

He smirked at you and nodded, "Okay, i got an idea."


Liam's POV

I woke up in a dark room tied to a chair. I looked around and tried breaking free, "Hello?! HELLO?!" i heard foot steps coming down the stairs. I looked over and saw Vinnie and y/n walking down holding hands. A faint light coming from the candle Vinnie was holding. Y/N looked at me smirking, "Lilly, let me go, please." she shushed me.

"Shut up Liam." she slapped me hard in the face and i gasp looking at her.

"What the fuck Lilly?!" i frowned at her pulling my wrists.

"Hey! Thats not her name, you call her Y/N understand fuckhead?" he grabbed my hair and pulled back putting a knife to my throat, "You see here asshat, i know that you raped her a few years ago, and honestly that doesnt settle nice with me."

"I-I didnt rape her, she enjoyed it." i smirked and he pushed the knife into my neck, breaking skin and i gasp, "Hey! HEY!"

"She didnt enjoy it and you know she didnt." he frowned at me.

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